I think Ogres would be an awesome race. Just imagine if they were released as a main race and got sea giants as an AR. I think I’ve mentioned that before. However they are also plenty of other AR possibilities if ogres were released as a main race.
I’m of the mindset that Ogres would likely work better as a core race, with Vrykul as their Alliance counterpart for several reasons, but I’ll happily take them as an allied race if it means I get playable Ogres. ^^
Honestly, just seeing possible news of new races in general is making me as excited as I was when BfA launched.
Just in case you haven’t seen this, it is the spot that shows the Gilgoblin male and female icons.
I don’t really care for water goblins myself but at least they’re somewhat interesting…unlike garbage gnomes.
While I think popularity is a valid point, it’s not one I can really discuss. I didn’t make the thread because I thought gilgoblins were a highly desired choice, but because I really like them and wanted to pitch my ideas. I know goblins aren’t terribly popular, although I’m hoping we could have a bit of an advantage alt-wise due to a lack of starting zone.
If a model update introduced Gilgoblins with bioluminescent hair and really made the model look nice like dark irons were done and introduced us to an aquatic goblin society, you can bet a lot more would warm up to them. Well just have to see if that happens.
PS: This isn’t Gilblin on an alt.
Allied races are potentially plentiful enough to afford more niche additions like mechagnomes and gilblins. My own opinion about them is in flux, but at the end of the day if they make sense for the story then they should be added as playable races.
I hope you guys get your Gilgoblins as an allied race one day! They look really neat and I love the concept. +1 from me
Naz’jatar is make or break for the Gilblins for me.
If they are just one slave race amongst many that we are helping out in that zone, with no specific focus on their culture and civilization … that’s not a good sign for them. Banking on Grapplehammer to “fix” them in a timely enough manner for them not to just make them a pallet swap Goblin with gills is not sufficient enough to justify them as an Allied Race. Maybe in the future, when they have time to develop … but within 8.2.5 or even 8.3? I really doubt it.
Long story short, if they don’t warrant the asset investment to flesh out their lore; they wont warrant the asset investment to make them a playable PC race anytime soon.
Blizz seems to be trying to do that, so let’s hope it’s done well
“In patch 8.2, we will put a lot of new features into place. But the story must follow and be coherent with what we want to do. One of the features we want to develop is an escort system. As you’ve seen, we’ll have new friends, sea giants, gilblins, etc. We’d like players to be able to bring them with them, have them gain levels and discover their story. In fact, that gilblin isn’t any gilblin. He has a story that you’ll have to discover in the time spent in Nazjatar. We want to create quests bound to specific characters, chests, all of that, to relate the story of these characters. For me, pieces of lore can really be a reward for doing something correctly in game.”
Banking on Grapplehammer to “fix”
What if it turns out that these goblins have regained their intelligence some way? Maybe there was Kajamite down in Nazjatar. Maybe part of the reason the unshackled were freed is because of their intelligence.
Also remember that goblins were initially slaves of trolls. Vulpera also have a history with enslavement by Set’hrak. The argument of it being bad because"slave race" is a bad one.
Oooh. I like this idea. You’re starting to sell me on Gilblins. If they get the crab as their mount I might be in.
Kajamite took generations of exposure for the Goblins to reach a level of intelligence to break free of their slave masters the Zandalari. While I will admit the parallels of Gilblins breaking free from their own slave keepers with exposure to the same materials is compelling; I do have a genuine fear that they are going to literally just be Blue, Water Goblins in function. I don’t care how much of an aquatic twist you give them (or how you replace Sea Giants for HobGoblins as their muscle) … they cannot just be a pallet swap of the Goblin race Blizz already is hyper neglectful of with their writing.
Aesthetics do nothing for me. Its part of the reason I consider Void Elves as THE weakest Allied race conceptually in the game right now. Gilblins need to have some absolutely insane work put into them to make them something more than Void Elves 2.0 (but due to them being Goblins, would have an insanely small group playing them).
Thought of this in the shower, and I’m pretty sure it was Gral speaking to me
While I still don’t really think druid will happen, I thought of a possible explanation. The loa Gral has a presence throughout the seas. The ocean itself is his temple, and he watches all ships that cross the waters. Gral hates the naga, but was weakened by their slaughtering of his followers. Perhaps he reaches out to the gilgoblins as they oppose Azshara, and grants them access to the Emerald Dream through him. As resto druids, they now use their power to mend Gral’s domain and fight back against the Old Gods.
That has potential.
Not to mention them worshiping a Loa also helps differentiate them from regular Goblins.
You know. To be honest with you. Even if Gilgoblins aren’t smart at the regular goblins are, I’d still love them if blizzard comes out with some nice lore and character development for them. Of course, a race doesn’t need to be super intelligent on the level of goblins or gnomes to be likable and charming. What if these goblins were less the superintelligent tinker type, but rather the more wild and magical type while still holding many of their characteristic goblin traits like a desire for gold and hustler nature. This would be an interesting twist and make them further interesting.
So I don’t know if folks have talked about this. But if you look at the female gilblin you can see that her hair is the updated hair model. So what this says to me is that they’re not putting effort into the current Gilblin models because why would they? They’re going to put all that energy toward the goblin model update and branching those updates to the Gilblin model once 8.2.5 releases.
Expect to see a lot more from them once the model updates are released imo. (customization wise)
See, it’d be kinda neat if sea giants were more ogre size…could likely build up a allied race around the KT animation rig.
It’d be kinda neat having a couple aquatic races on each side.
Gilblins and Sea Giants for horde and Jinyu and Sea Elven Werenaga for alliance.
It’d be a pretty nice addition to the navies.
Having sailors that can’t drown?
Submarines that don’t have to have air or be pressurized?
Marines that can storm a beach without needing boat transport lol.
With the way AR have been added, there’s not a whole lot of work that goes into them except additional art assets for missing models or customization but I still feel like the game needs a small art team dedicated to that sort of thing and be adding more all the time.
It’s looking like all 3 companions are Gilblins and then Ankoan for alliance.
More culture and such would be nice though, but with them being recently created and such, has there been time for a real culture to develop or might it be more of a thing that comes later?
That’d be cool. Maybe even some of his old temples could be restored as living space.
- There is an HD Gilgoblin in one of the Nazjatar previews.
Notice how the polgyons are nicely smoothed out.
- Each member of the unshackled has since received a model update since this picture. Chances are likely that if they received model updates so will the Gilgoblins.
Zoom down to see Makura.
Dark Irons didn’t get an HD model until they become playable and when they did, it extended to the npcs.
Historically whenever blizzard has released model updates in the past for playable character it extends to npcs as well except in very old areas. Such happened with gnome, orc, blood elf and other such models.
Goblin model updates are planned for 8.2.5 and I like I said. Historically whenever player models get updates, it extends to npcs except in much older areas.
That’s essentially what I’m saying. They’re polishing the NPC models for what they currently have available. So when 8.2.5 rolls out, we’re going to get the full HD version.
I say this with confidence because she still got them sausage fingers and feet XD
The hair style though? That is 100% a WoD equivalent hair texture quality.