Gilgoblin Allied Race suggestions/discussion

That’s cool to hear, I was just wondering if gilblins were “already” shown to be allies of the Horde. It doesn’t seem they have been, to me. That said, I’m very much looking forward to seeing them in Nazjatar. I wouldn’t mind them as an allied race in the slightest, in fact I’d probably roll one.


Why settle for a mediocre allied race when there are a lot more interesting races that should be playable and have a larger fan base compared to retextured goblins with fins?

I was remembering them working with the Horde as members of the Venture company in various locations though these may have been independents. I know they did some work for the Horde in WoD though it could have been the Iron Horde.

Yeah, they’re hostile to both factions. Although I think it was our first proof of them making bargains with surface dwellers, so that was cool to find!

Ooh did they? I just remembered a toy related to them releasing during WoD

I should keep an eye out for that one on my newer character.


I should keep an eye out for that one on my newer character.

Good idea. Let me be more specific how you find it. You know that there is a quest in the war campaign for the horde that takes you into the deep sea and you have to use a light to light up the surrounding areas and stuff. Once you complete that whole scenario and get back to the banshees wail, then place you hear him say this is in the banshees wail on the lower floor. When you click on him right after. He makes a statement about Gilblins being one of his greatest accidental achievements and then says that he hopes to find a formula to give existing Gilblins intelligence like goblins. Something like that. Not word for word. I tried looking in wowhead and couldn’t find the npc statement recorded. When I level up an alt, I will try to find it too.

Why settle for a mediocre allied race when there are a lot more interesting races that should be playable and have a larger fan base compared to retextured goblins with fins?

So far all existing allied races have been very closely similar to an existing playable race and Gilgoblins would actually be a little more unique than some other ARS. We don’t have an aquatic race yet and they have some very beautiful textures.


Thanks! Ima see if I can screenshot it and add it to this thread


Lower floor around where Gallywix hangs out on the Banshees wail ship. Hobart should be there standing while working on some mechanical stuff during that time. Just in case there was any confusion by what I meant by lower floor. Makes sure you look for him before doing any other parts of the war campaign because he disappears from there later on.


I rather like the idea of them being able to be Druids.

That was an interesting idea with potential.


The guy who made them could probably fix them. They are part of the bilgewater cartel after all, made by that goblin during the starting zone.


I love the idea of aquatic druids, and I really want to see more of them ingame now that we have the Druids of the Fin in Valsharah. If they were to be a gilgoblin class though, I’d like to have a sturdy lore explanation beforehand.

A shapeshifter that can harness the mutations of the old gods or something? That’s actually a really interesting concept


Zandalari do via the loa; I think Kul Tirans are a little more complicated

Oh snap I forgot, I’m only allowed to post in this thread on this toon.

Ok, it’s mended. I’ve made that San’layn creep fly off. You’re welcome!


Tier 11 & 15 Hunter gear would be great for Gilgoblins.


Batfish are welcome here!


Something to keep note of in Nazjatar is to see what amphibious creatures there are. I imagine the Gilblin mount will be something aquatic that can go on land and swim in water.


Reminds of something from the Emerald Nightmare. I don’t mean that in the bad way. Cool atheistic.

@Belitt. Those are two sets that are commonly used to rp Gilblins in the past. They definitely do fit the theme.


Who knew the secret avatar of an eldritch horror could be so prettyful


Gonk gave trolls access to the emerald dream. He is the master of shapeshifting. He has shrines in Zuldazar. He is one of the loas for druids. The lunalai seem to have a heretical connection with elune (trolls would probably see her as a moon loa). The dark trolls are still present in the empire. Elves descend from dark trolls.

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