Gilgoblin Allied Race suggestions/discussion

Now I’m imagining an allied race group therapy session


I think High Elf fans have it the worst, given it’s been an uphill battle for them since WoW began. As I said in their second mega thread, I wished them the best of luck.


And poor naga were planned to be added in classic, scrapped, and haven’t gotten anything similar since :c


Really? I knew Ogres were a contender, at least in Cataclysm, but I don’t recall that about Naga. If that is true, then I have hope for playable Naga someday, as they are also in my top 10 most wanted races. ^^

Yup, I think us goblins were also planned for classic but were released much later


…Now I want to see that drawn. DARN IT I wish I could draw!


I hope that they eventually make these playable, especially if we are already becoming friends with them!


It would be cool if the Unshackled are like the Nightfallen and join up with us after liberating them


I’m waiting til we beat Azshara, they will need a new job after that.


How about the fact that you couldn’t find another race in the Warcraft Universe that people could care about less?

I mean, if there were like 200+ allied races available for play…then yeah, add Gilblins. Otherwise, you and your five friends really don’t justify the man hours to add them to the game.

Again with this anti Gilblin stuff. I tell you. People really aren’t giving Gilblins enough credit. We don’t have an aquatic race right now and Gilblins have some pretty cool custom options such as:

  1. Glowing blue teeth and eyes.
  2. Savage looking gills.
  3. Beautiful tattoos that go nicely with the skin.

If done right they could be a great AR.

Otherwise, you and your five friends really don’t justify the man hours to add them to the game.

Believe it or not. It would be easier to add them to the game right now from where we stand the Vulpera. Female goblin models just would need a texture, and gills added and all of the animations+rig is already prepared.

Otherwise, you and your five friends really don’t justify the man hours to add them to the game.

Give it some time. You’ll see many more Gilgoblin supporters coming out as Nazjatar remains out.


No, I really won’t because goblins are one of the least played races in the game and making them have a blue skin option is not going to change that.

Then I think you underestimate just how many people love goblins. A similar thing has been said with Mechagnomes. They have a very passionate player base. Remember Lore>Popularity.


To whom, exactly?

How many people do you think read quest text?

If goblins were so well loved, they would be played more and would have a higher representation on the various population tacking sites and they just do not.

-Many people wanted eredar. Didn’t happen because they are almost universally sided with the legion.
-Many wanted other classed to be demon hunter. Didn’t happen due to lore.

Ogres, mop races, arrakoa, naga. The list goes on. Along with so many other class combinations people ask for.

If goblins were so well loved, they would be played more and would have a higher representation on the various population tacking sites and they just do not.

They just aren’t as popular in comparison to other races, but this by no means doesn’t mean a lot of people don’t love them.


I don’t know about that, There’s an absolutely massive goblin discord with plenty of players that would absolutely LOVE some Gilgobbies to be playable.


Can you link this discord?

The discord doesn’t happen to belong to me, but if you’d like a link to it you can get into contact with Rustwell#0581 on discord and he should be able to help you out with that. :slight_smile:

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Alright. Thank you! I’d love to be apart of a massive goblin discord. I have a number of goblins myself. I am going to send him a message shortly.

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Then you’ll love this community! We’ll be sure to welcome ya when you join :wink: