Gilded harbinger crest how to farm?

I called it that this was going to happen about 2 months ago, slowly slowly more and more hit the 619 mark and are asking the same question OP is asking. The answer was generally do keys, and it still is because trading up can get you 15 crests a week, wow, one whole entire upgrade each week on gear that can be upgraded twice.

With 15 items minimum needing to be upgraded, give or take for the crafted slots and you need 30 WEEKS of ‘trading up’ to upgrade them all. Take away the additional weeks if you have spare crests and you may still need some 24 or so weeks from today.

Keys is still the answer, but players asking for this change, make M0 great again, give us solo content, it means keys is also not the answer because players like OP who may not have even done a key, is not going to be invited to the required M8 where the crests drop.

Blizzard should never have allowed players to solo content to get gear that is equivalent to an M6 that needs an M8 or mythic raiding to upgrade, because all it does it put players in a position that they now have to run normal raids to get experience for heroic raids to get experience for mythic raids, and even then, pugging into mythic raids is almost never going to happen.

And if they don’t want to raid, run low keys for experience so they can get into mid keys which will get them into high keys. But if they are a DPS, forget it, they will at this point in the season be running into players with 2.5-3K IO scores trying to get into the same keys, it will take them months to get to that point as a DPS, so for anyone trying to get past 619 iLVL, if they have only done so as Delves and don’t actually plan to do any other content, GG you hit your end game, go take a break or run some alts.

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These forums straight up IGNORE the word grind, they are in love with it lmao.

They will beat around the bush for the entire thread to evade the word GRIND.

Honestly solid point about the crests. Even if a player completely maxes the heroic crests it’s what, one Mythic item and the rest at 619, maybe a few of the rest up to 626 by end of season. That’s it.

I get this, but running 8s to get my gear to 6/6 is not a problem for me.
The problem starts at “I should run 10s cos I get Myth gear”.

I think the whole DF S3 and S4 allowing me to get Myth at 8s messed with my brain thinking I can get the maximum ilvl possible by just running 8s.

Need to get rid of that.

At that stage better to do with a static. For me once I finish portals I’m perma runnin 8s.

We have done 10s very comfortably but I find once the bois are gone PuG groups are either a mixed bag or impossible to get into (unless I’m on tank).

I’m not the OP, but for me as a player the second I don’t feel like I am progressing upward, I tend to just quit playing Wow or that character. I get the idea of not needing the gear power, but it’s progress. People don’t do harder content for various reasons, and getting to a plateau sucks. Unfortunately, Blizzard constantly caters to that idea of well, just do harder content if you want to progress as if it was that simple. Hell, I can’t even find a social aspect of this game, and I’m supposed to do M+ or raid or rated pvp? Delves are all I got. This game sucks as a casual.


I usually avoid it by setting goals ahead of time. If I just went with “get bigger ilvl” I’d eventually frustrate myself by trying content I don’t like. Instead, from day 1, I look at the content that I like and set a goal based on what I can do with it.

I don’t do m+ or guilds. I do delves and pug normal/heroic raids. My goal is to get just enough gear pieces to 623 to unlock the mythic transmog. After that I retire the character for the season.

Because you can only do so many delves and raids in a week, I have a couple going at a time. Two are done. Two more only need a few more catalyst charges. Two more should be done in about a month.

I’m having a lot of fun gearing up and learning to play alts that usually stay on the bench.

This is very cool. I like it. Thanks!

Eventually everyone reached a point where they either need to do harder content if they want to further progress or accept where they are.


Isn’t that something like 90 runed for 15 gilded?

P.S. Nvm, someone else confirmed.

Its not M7 its M8 you need, and dawnbreaker / mists / siege are your 3 easiest farmable dungeons imo. If you want real easy farm its between mists and dawnbreaker, as long as tank knows what he’s doing , they’re both pretty cakewalk. I say that from a tank perspective where its 50/50 on whether dps know mechanics regardless of rating etc purely off RNG these are the dungeons I run to farm. Raids got screwed over for crests so you have absolutely no choice but to farm 8’s. Only last 2 boss in heroic have gilded IIRC. So much for raid bias :face_with_spiral_eyes:

Also it helps to post on your main, we get 0 information from an alt therefore cannot suggest things properly.

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Crests have been essentially a mythic+ currency since they were added in DF.

And by extension crafted gear.

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I’ve been purely pvp post Cataclysm until DF when I got back into pve, so makes sense, I am just getting into this system since DF.

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21min on a 11 ara seems crazy lol must have been a smooth run I was peaking your profile to see if you were a fellow tank, honestly I have much better gear as fury, but I cannot get invited as dps no matter exp and ilvl. Its a sad life. I’d like to dps one of these days. Got all my BiS pretty much.

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what reason is there for solo players to need mythic level gear?

ive been farming 8s for crests and honestly its been super easy. just hop into a dawn and glide on through.

im seeing this alot and really it hink putting the mythic gear at a 10 is fair for reward/challenge metric.

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That’s been my smoothest run of the season so far, and if you check raiderio the dps were only item levels 626, 619, and 615. Just everyone handling mechanics well and blasting.

No tanking for me on this guys, he’s a healer probably forever. I do have a blood DK alt I like to tank on, but I haven’t leveled him up yet in TWW.

The pug life as a dps is rough, I’m glad I enjoy healing because it comes with the perks of faster group invites. Maybe as you push score with a tank you can slip in some runs as a dps.

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The last 2 bosses of heroic Nerub’ar Palace drop 15 gilded crests and 15 runed crests each.

They drop from bountiful chests T8 and above. You don’t get many, but it’s another avenue.

That’s kind of the upper end for the season unless you’re really into high keys. I think they don’t intend for people to go much higher than 619 unless they’re doing content that requires it.

Yea I can see, its impressive how just chilling with mechanics makes a huge difference. It gets exhausting having to explain each run in 8+ runs but I understand people just wanna farm crests. I have honestly not even tried to go further than a 9. I stil have the DPS mentality where I need to be severely overgeared for the content to be worth inviting, but honestly anyone will invite me in prot at 621 lol. Once I recraft my wrist to 636 and max the rest of my hero gear I’ll be gold. Only so much time in a week tho. I only have a couple days out of the week to nolife and 1 day goes to weeklies and such. Really my main issue is time management so I don’t rly have anything to complain about the system itself. There is just too much DPS.

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