Ghostcrawler (former lead WoW developer) starting his own company/MMO

I had no intention of maining a pandaren. I made one just for fun since it was the new thing. Fell in love with the place and how well they fleshed out the pandaren that I’m still playing this guy today.


Well as a marine biologist he must be very attuned to the ebb and flow of ones career following a different current. He waved his old job goodbye and sailed onto a new horizon.

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bruh its the gaming industry people switch jobs all the time lol what do you not know how jobs work in this world?

Did he get canned from riot or something? Either way i can see whatever project he attempts crashing and burning in short order.

Actually I’m going to correct you. Ghostcrawler wasn’t the lead developer… He was the lead SYSTEMS developer. Tom Chilton was ‘The Lead Developer’ when Greg was around.

Hopefully it’s good enough to leave wow. Over the years every MMO just isn’t as good. People swear FF is better but I couldn’t get passed the tutorial but I also am not into anime so it was doomed from the start. I hope the day comes that an MMO can actually capture what wow was at the beginning! It has to happen one day surely

Every expansion in the game. When it’s current it’s the worst. 2-3 down the road it’s the best thing that ever happened

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I don’t think i have heard of a single person praising WoD, like ever…

No, I guess I don’t lol

Well, if nothing else, this is a HUGE signal that the Riot MMO is going to be crap.

I was giving Riot the benefit of the doubt. Dude could have just burned out/had personal stuff going on… but if he bails on the MMO well before its release date only to start his own company where he can clearly do things that he wants to do… that to me signals that Riot was trying to force him down a certain path…

… and considering there’s not too many people who have more experience with MMOs than GC (and Riot overall has precisely none), it leaves me wondering what was so bad that it drove this dude out.

To be fair, MoP had its ups and downs… and I don’t see too many people praising it like the Titans Greatest Gift. I see people genuinely rating it on the low end of the good expacs. GC has been around for a lot more than MoP, however.

I’m sure it will be full of nothing but frost mages.

The infamous ‘WoW Killer’ chant.

May I remind you that those ‘ex Blizzard Devs’ were apart of the old, notorious culture OF Blizzard.


I still have high hopes for Riot’s MMO and while I am excited for another potential MMO coming out from GC… I’m not really thrilled at the moment since most likely if anything we’ll see it (possibly) is in the next 5-7 years or more.

Has Ghostcrawler actually finished anything since leaving Blizzard?

He wasn’t really in a position to “finish” anything for a long time. He immediately went to work on League of Legends after leaving Blizzard and under his reign, the game either became or continued to be the most played game in existence for a long time… so it at least shows me he either was very good or knew how to not to fix something that wasn’t broken (surprisingly rare skill in a creative field), so I’d say he’s done fine since leaving Blizzard.


The content was good. What it was, was good, albeit incomplete.

So that’s the general census

WoD was filled with content that was both bad and incomplete IMHO.

The best thing I can say for WoD was I didn’t think they would be capable of designing worse expansions than it until they said: “Hold my beer!” and released BFA. And then Shadowlands… and somehow made me appreciate the few good things about WoD amongst the irredeemable messes that were BFA/SL.

Hes a marine biologist.
He wasnt good here at blizz
His new company will prolly not do well.

Just sayin

Weird take, since WoW’s popularity (and quality) has continually declined since his departure.

When we see something out of Dreamhaven (Mike Morhaime’s company) maybe I’ll pay attention to this. Until then, who cares?