Remember this is the dude that brought you mists of pandaria, the beloved expansion that everyone bashed during launch, and now praise it like the Titans greatest gift
This was the dude that was willing to talk to us on the forums and our former general Discussion colleagues of the past bashed him
Man, what’s with all these ex-game devs leaving and making their own studios?
Didn’t the other Blizzard heads like Mike Morheim also do this with Dreamhaven?
And some other Blizzard talent joined as well?
Wth is going on? I hope this is a good move for the gaming industry, at the end of the day. It’s suffering pretty badly.
Unbiased opinion, MoP is hands down the greatest expac.
He also brought Vash’jir and all of its problems.
However, I am willing to let bygones be bygones. Previous mistakes should be learning experiences so I’ll check out any games from his new venture.
Money. They hope with their reputations they can put together a small game studio and put together just enough of a game framework to sell it. It’s about profit.

This is something that has been happening since the dawn of video gaming. It can bring diversity if they can bring a product to market. They can also be bought up by the big guys again.
I liked GC. I thought he did a good job.
As far as him starting his own video game company, let’s not forget that the dude had a PhD in marine biology.
Some of y’all have got some weird career trajectories.
can’t he like return for a few days and fix mage class
So he worked on WoW, then worked on the unfinished Riot MMO, and now he is going to make his own “indie” MMO.
I’m sure we’ll see some his post WoW work eventually.
I seriously wish him the best. I’ve missed him a lot since he left and was excited to read the news yesterday.
Funny, because he said almost exactly a year ago that he was done (“likely the last”) after that Riot MMO experience:
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I was sorry to hear about his and his family’s losses.
I really liked him and wish him luck!
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You know sometimes a big bad event like his family’s loss, can change people to do better or do different than what they say
This is probably it
It happens in every industry. People realize you’re working to make other people rich when you could make yourself rich. I wish I had that guts. Or knew something well enough
GC must of gone through some big losses in family, sorry to hear for him and anyone going through that kind of stuff. No ones perfect and I heard he got trash talked a lot also but I’m sure he is learning and wish him the best. I’m very interested to see at least how the Riot MMO is gonna turn out… Riot has a knack for one upping their competition that they copy from.
Even Sentenza agrees, MoP was the best expansion OF ALL TIME
their careers have matured over the last 20 years, and some of them are now able to run their own studios (if they wish). this is normal. it would be much weirder if they were still spending 12 hours a day writing code two decades later.
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