GG. Unplayable. Done

I play horde heartseeker so I mean, I get it but I highly doubt it was like this

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Heartseeker, while having the opposite faction balance issue. also has like 1/5th the total server population.


Horde. Heartseeker.

Still sounds exaggerated

Where did you get that number from?

Doesn’t matter man your point is moot since you aren’t crying right now. Cry about imbalance and they will have your back.

Honestly you’re probably right

Well its more like half the server population but, still imagine your problems on Heartseeker and then double that. Its pretty rough.

Nah, I’m on Whitemane and the same hilarity is going down in brm here.

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I’m not even going to attempt getting world buffs this week prior to raid… almost certain they will be lost in the mass swarm of horde camping in that mountain lol…

That actually was pretty commonly done by both factions back in the day.


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No it wasnt. Gaking squads in every lvl 35+ zone in heavy pop but heavy unbalanced servers were never a thing.

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Actually it was. It wasn’t a server balance issue, it was just people waiting to have fun. It also continued on into BC and Wrath, on both PvP and PvE servers (latter especially in BC when Snake Trap flagged you for PvP)

Honestly… it sounds like fun.

One side does it, wait a day or two, the other side reciprocates. Not all World PvP happens at Tarren Mill, X-Roads, and Sentinel Hill. It wan’t all ganking in STV and Ashenvale.

Bro if you want to lie go for it. But at least bring a char with a single vanila achievment. It was never like this because the server populations didnt make such things possible. Plus a lot of people didnt know about honor rewards, racials, engineering gadgets and had much more time to get 60. Again in case you didnt notice i am stating a fact not an opinion while you are a bad liar. I mean in TBC wpvp went down dramatically it didnt matter if there was wpvp objectives because the pvp rewards were tied to bg marks and arenas brackets. Wrath was the same thing but with a complete on sided wintergraps, soo one sided blizzard made allliance became raids bosses while doing that terrible map.


Not lying.

Never thought about having achievements lost?

What server were you on? Full ones did have just that.

While this is true, not everyone who went out to PvP did so for this reason. There were those who did it for fun. :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:

I’m actually not so sure about that.

Again, not everyone PvP’d for the same reasons as they did now. I PvP’s in BC for three reasons, fun, let the guildies get the raid loot (I was the GM) and because someone wanted to troll and forced it. I saw as much, if not more World PvP in BC than Vanilla, it just was in Outland outside of someone trolling Kara fun runs.

Again, what server were you on?

the cap on vanilla servers is no where near the cap on classic servers so vanilla servers didn’t have the issue we are having now.


The cap was 3k or so before. IDK what Classic is now.


It’s not exaggerated. It’s Tuesday night which is the most popular raiding night. Horde knows where the action is.

yeah yeah, QQ more, roll PvE etc… heard it all before, but you literally have no idea if you’re not on a severely unbalanced server. The game is legit unplayable.

I would have absolutely rolled PvE. I wish I had. But I didn’t know Blizzard was going to open server transfers to eliminate queue times, causing huge imbalance issue, did I? I had no idea the server size was going to be massive compared to vanilla.

I enjoy PvP. But everywhere I go on this server is 5 vs 1 or worse. Grouping makes no difference.

Can’t quest, can’t farm, can’t PvP, can’t dungeon unless you want to corpse run for 30 mins or more. Even raiding is becoming challenging.

Blah blah blah, flame all you want. Don’t care.


Are you on a PVP server…cause you are people will just fall over laughing at your post

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