GG Blizzard : WM Off

Turnabout IS FAIR play. Get a group together, get your revenge. Whatever you want. FAIR is not getting extra bonuses and incentives with a RAID is NOT FAIR.


I came from Alliance recently, and I don’t see why you’re so upset about it
 Just go Alliance lol. I could care less about that buff.

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I’m pretty sure fair went out the window when Horde racials caused a max exodus from alliance to Horde.


I already told you the solution. Don’t gather a raid, don’t fight back. Turn off Warmode and you’ll get the bonus next time.


It was like that before for Alliance. Alliance pop, pvp and end game raid was higher for a solid decade. It wasn’t until Blizzard adjusted the racials till it became wonky.

Personally, I wish they would make them all be like the Zandalari Racial LOA blessings, then you pick which racial you want. This whole “unique” w.e to racials is ridiculous and has cause a huge swing as a result. I still think Dark Iron Dwarves have the best racial as it stands.

I have my doubts this incentive will continue over to the horde. I said in another post if we have learned anything is for ALL of the horde to turn the buff off, negate Alliance from getting the 400 piece or make it harder and they will reward the horde with an incentive to turn it back on again.

^ However, all of that won’t make world PVP more fun. It’s not even player vs player, it’s player vs 40 players and that’s what makes this a dumb conversation.


Can’t get the quest done in anything bigger than a 5-person group, so if people are camping you with 40 person raids then they’re doing it for fun and not for loot, just like the Horde did to Alliance at the beginning of the xpac.


I dont disagree with you on racials. The LOA idea is cool.

And I remember, I was horde but switched to Alliance when Human racial was OP. Just cant be bothered to switch back.


^ Thank you

^ That’s world PVP that has existed since closed Beta Vanilla wow. I’m sorry, but everyone has been a recipient of that since November 23, 2004. Not one time, regardless of faction server population differences has any side gotten a reward and/or buff. I’m sorry, but this is also not the reason why you got the buff.


Your welcome???

Standardized testing caused this
this is the youth of the nation. We should all be scared.


Is this

A. True.
B. False
C. None of the above.


Poor Horde is seeing what it was like for Alliance in world PVP for years and doesn’t like it. :frowning:

I love this. I’m enjoying the forums as much as the game!


Whelp, I for one have never turned on WM on either faction. Since it launched it just seemed like a stupid and contrived system. Plus with how well these devs balance things I saw this epic drama with almost prophetic vision.


Must be nice to come into a game with fresh eyes and be ignorant of the previous decade of gaming. Kinda like discovering you hit puberty and going to tell me what women are like. Enjoy the popcorn kid

Ya, I think w/o the 10% buff, you can’t argue people really would have. I don’t blame anyone for taking advantage. I just don’t think it’s fair. My account was capped till I deleted 4 90’s off Mal’ganis. I can easily switch between either faction or class. My problem is the kneck, it’s an anchor to a main.


Since when is our bonus a 40%? It’s always been 30% with a 20% bonus from the Horde

Of course people are getting bored with a game they have played for such a long time. People coming g to the game for the first time will have a much better experience.

Like going to Disney or somewhere like that for the first time

I love it. It’s making leveling my DK wonderful.

Thanks Horde.

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It was a misunderstanding I cleared up well above in the thread. It’s still 30% difference with people with WM off now.

I was referring to his comment about it being difficult for the alliance for one expansion
 >.> There’s like 14+ years of it being tilted in the alliances favor.

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Great game design that encourages players to not take part in content.

hOrDE bIAS right alliance?


Yes, but then since the Horde will all turn their Warmode off there will be less of them and the bonus will go to your side and you guys will get the free welfare gear.

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Maybe. Who knows if that’s real or not