Getting worried, ngl

Wod had the Gorgrond, Glory and Garrison Gronnlings

Legion, I think only had the Valarjar paragon drake, but they also added one from islands.

The unarmored/pve versions stopped in BFA.

I wouldn’t count the WoD one as casual unless you mean the one you can get off the AH only then ya… that’s one.

Same with a legion. It was only the 1 red color version?

More mounts need to be added!

Poundfist is like the epitome of casual content.

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I mean, they’re not wrong. PvP has the most exclusive rewards in the game and the participation in rated pvp is still terrible. This ‘exclusivity’ mindset to entice players just isn’t working while a lot of people still do Random BGs and other Quick Match games.

Best compromise would be to make an expansion’s elite transmogs available for honor or maybe conquest points once a new expansion is out.

No it isn’t. Blizz can do everything right and a huge chunk of the casual pvp playerbase will just never try to get above 1600 in arenas for one reason or another. It’s just entitlement.

Doesn’t matter if the casual players never try to get above 1600, it’s still more people on the ladder than weren’t there before. Entitlement is asking for something without putting in any effort - if they are doing rated pvp, they are putting in effort and contributing to the playstyle.

Don’t worry, your epeen won’t get any smaller because someone has an elite set from 3 expansions ago.

Putting in the bare minimum and getting insane rewards does nothing for the actual health of the ladder and only serves to annoy the people who’re actually trying.

It’s always the people who’re unironically hardstuck who say things like this. Just because you suck and can’t get any of the good rewards doesn’t mean they should be devalued so you can just get them easy later.

:joy: :joy: :joy: get over yourself

not ‘hardstuck’ but whatever, don’t care what you think + you’re a classic alt :v:

Unironically using emojis.

ironic considering you feel entitled to being able to casually farm out elite sets that people worked hard in previous seasons.

Good response. Doesn’t actually seem true when you’re going around saying stuff like this.

You don’t understand the reason why pvp participation is low and think people want rewards to stay out of reach for the masses when they just want people to actually have to put in some effort and know how to play the game instead of keyboard turning in battle grounds for rewards.

Even something simple like 1800 for transmogs is still too much for the majority of the casual pvp playerbase because they never try. There’s no making them happy without devaluing everything else.

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I think there’s a kernel of truth to it but the examples are extreme.

Rewards for top end gameplay should definitely remain exclusive for the top end, yet personally I feel there’s been a falloff in midcore rewards.

Elite sets used to be higher and even when they were lowered to 2k they had a 2.2k enchant to make up for it. They returned tabards and that’s stayed. I think there’s an enchant now still? I dunno, been a while since SL S1.

However personally I don’t like how the sets now days aren’t even based off of class. Every class used to have a unique set of honor/conquest/elite gear. They used to look cool, and I haven’t seen one I liked.

Sure even the sets of the past are hit and miss. Some people liked furnace-face and bucket head, some didn’t. Yet at least they were still unique to each class.

I recently resubbed out of boredom to finish up old legendaries and do mog runs but everytime I look at something after legion I don’t have any desire to get them.

PvP sets and tier sets need to go back to how they were at the very least and with wow’s modern take of MYTHIC GLOWY ARMOR WOOO maybe make a 2.4k set or something that’s similar in concept?

I don’t know, gave up a long time ago of trying to understand the decision making of the devs in this game. I just miss how old PvP sets were, and I think partially the clamoring for old elite sets stems from it. I know I wouldn’t mind if they put old elite sets up for grabs at 2.2k or something since they typically look better than anything made now days.

Elite sets should be obtainable for marks of honor or some mechanic when you reach elite in shadowlands. 2400 player should be able to receive an award outside of the 50 win glad mount and give you motivation to master a class as the gear would be soulbind.

Glad mount should never be obtainable again. Actually troll and a disgrace to anyone who pvped in wow.

Hero RBG should award a ground mount each expac that looks absolutely bad a. This would encourage arena pros to come smash these rbg people who might be the most cringe and racist I’ve ever seen.

Finally solo shuffle in dragonflight should award actual titles for being top percent each season. Shuffler or adaptable title should suffice.

Elite transmog should go from 1800 to 2400 in dragonflight too. So then no one can say anything ever again.

Edit: My take seems good for high end players unfortunately many people will never hit 2400 without motivation or improving tremendously. Thus complain about not having the cool transmog each season. However it doesn’t hurt the integrity of pvp at all no gear ilevel difference just a cool mog so when you see it you know your about to get bodied.


Would unironically love to see the hero rbg players get farmed for a bit so it puts their egos in place.

The easiest solution to fixing this is just having the 1800 set stay for the generic armor type mog and the 2400 set for class specific mogs with 2600 being another illusion or something. Spreads out the awards nicely while not making them impossible to gain or devaluing them heavily.

Good to see the more things change some things will always remain the same.

that gets into repetition tolerance based on activity

that works for pvp for a lot of people because pvp is far more varied and dynamic

pve stuff is always the same script and peeps burn out on it

hamster wheel dopamine feedback loop system design is an art of balancing a players enjoyment against their tolerance for more grind and scaling it for a a very wide variety of players to capture most players

arguably, under Ion team’s design, everything is about the rewards and very little is about ensuring players are having fun all the time

dopamine feedback loops are like drug addiction and it is much stronger in some players vs others, many cash shop games are designed to appeal to the more genetically susceptible players and intentionally burn them out while stripping them of their money along the way

wow leaned way more into cash shop system designs after adding gold to the cash shop, because certain metrics are the tried and true way of increasing revenue

so to blithely state that all players should be able to completely ignore the addiction of the rewards is just naive - these systems are designed to minimize player choice and hook as many players as possible

it is better to complain about bliz’s system design than the players response - the players aren’t changing except in who hangs on after everyone burnt out and left

I mean they’re the ones sticking around though… For the most part. Why are we worried about the people that come and go after they get their seasonal stuff? Or don’t like the current stuff.

Keep them exclusive, blizz ruined glad titles and mounts already by making them static.

I dunno, I just like games that please most players most of the time - with some optional grinds for cosmetics for the super grinders

problem is the current team is chasing metrics on the same level of content, trying to get more playtime without giving anything in return - so they are getting more predatory on the systems, intending to manipulate rather than entertain and reward

like ghostcrawler said, the founders of wow were fine with people having a great time and ‘finishing’ the game until the next content release - much better than lots of burnout and negative impressions of the game

it is current blizzard system design that is the problem, not really the players

there is a chunk of players that like pvp when it is fair and accessible, there is a chunk of players that pvp for the gear, there is a chunk of players that pvp for ego titles, and so forth

the players don’t really change, the motivations and demotivations created by bliz’s system design create the changes in responses overall

some peeps played pvp for many many years and now they just want those same feels and are constantly chasing it but never getting there or it takes 10x longer and with a ton more friction

its just more complicated and nuanced than ‘don’t play if you don’t like it, doing it just for the rewards makes no sense to me’ - that’s all I’m saying