Getting Veteran Gear

Thank you! I can almost guarantee I would forget that. :stuck_out_tongue:

In that case, I’ll give it a try. Thanks!

That might very well be the issue. I just sort of threw it together and forgot about it. When I set up Guardian, I’ll redo the Balance one as well. Thanks!

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As you earn rep, you earn Renown levels. At Renown 7 or 8, you can buy a piece of gear from each of the Renown vendors.

And Delves are solo content. Here’s the gear levels from the different tiers:

Delve Tier Level Bountiful Delve Rewards Initial Upgrade Level Great Vault Initial Upgrade Level
1 561 Explorer 2/8 584 Veteran 1/8
2 564 Explorer 3/8 584 Veteran 1/8
3 571 Adventurer 1/8 587 Veteran 2/8
4 577 Adventurer 3/8 597 Champion 1/8
5 584 Veteran 1/8 600 Champion 2/8
6 590 Veteran 3/8 606 Champion 4/8
7 597 Champion 1/8 610 Hero 1/6
8 603 Champion 3/8 616 Hero 3/6
9 603 Champion 3/8 616 Hero 3/6
10 603 Champion 3/8 616 Hero 3/6
11 603 Champion 3/8 616 Hero 3/6

Thank you so much for this detailed post! I appreciate it.

From what I gather from everyone’s posts is the following:

  • I should redo my Spec build for Balance as it needs work.

  • Get my reputation up higher so the rewards are better.

  • Remember to set my loot choice to Balance if I’m going for Balance gear with a
    Guardian spec.

  • WQ’s in Warmode. Just collect chests.

  • Spiral Weave and Fungal Folly easiest Delves

My thanks to everyone who posted in here. I learned some things today! :slightly_smiling_face:


I hate PvP, so I won’t touch Warmode.

Earthcrawl Mines is easier than Fungal Folley— unless you’re really good at the spore mechanics.

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Me too, Wiggletuff mentioned just get the chests or wax, so I’ll try that, but if it’s a big brawl, nope nope nope.

Earthcrawl is my default. If there is one I can get to a higher levels, this would be the one since I’m most familiar with.

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You might occasionally get ganked, but over the past couple of days I just flew around collecting wax and did the two weeklies (one from last week and this one’s) on a level ~71 horde alt without any issue. That plus a few WQs was enough to buy a handful of pieces to fill out transmogs I was missing.

Just stay away from the war crates unless you’re Alliance, and avoid the PvP-specific WQs and you should be fine. Most people running around collecting wax aren’t interested in fighting either. /shrug

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Very cool. Looking forward to trying it out. Thanks again. Done for tonight ingame, but there is always tomorrow! :slightly_smiling_face:

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second 2 award only gold crests and valorstones

If you need anything else, just let us know. :dracthyr_heart:

In case it hasn’t been mentioned, the Khaz Algar weekly world boss can drop champion gear.

If it has been mentioned, sorry I missed it.

Just peeked in before heading to sleep. I noticed I spelled your name wrong. My apologies. I typed it from memory and just noticed. :blush:

Nice! Where do I get that quest?

You can get 4/5 pieces of 619 crafted gear from maxing out reps and doing the story campaign.

You can also use your sparks to get a bunch of 606 gear crafted, do not to use public orders.

Talk to a leather worker to be sure they can do rank 5 of whatever armor you want made. I strongly suggest non-tier slots if you do choose to make some crafted armor.

I would recommend against Sinkhole myself. At least one scenario is a slog, and you can get killed by being knocked off the path.

The sharks can be a challenge if you accidentally aggro them and the final boss can be annoying. Which I guess can be said of most of the final bosses.

Some require you to run around like crazy, and be aware of their types of attacks.

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Open your map, there will be an icon for it in the zone it is in. It changes weekly.

According to Wowhead it is in Hallowfall this week. It is a group activity though, use Group Finder - Premades if there isn’t already a group killing it.

Not in game yet thanks wowhead!


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Seriously consider leveling earthcrawl delve. It is the easiest. At level 8, 2 clearances will yield an heroic piece of armor in vault (ilevel 616). It’ll take a bit of time to get there as your overall item level makes a difference to survivability.

Also, don’t forget to level up armor pieces with crests and valorstones. To help ilevel. I don’t generally max these when working on better armor but adding a couple of levels across pieces helps too.

Set Brann as healer. I have his idols set to Porcelain Arrow Head (may not be the best option, but I don’t have issues running level 8) and relic of sentience (the extra heal pot possibility is most likely why i don’t have too many issues). Icyveins has a good article about delves and Brann. Levelling him helps a lot.

I, like you, only do solo content. Unlike you, I have 14 max level toons, of which 10 are now over ilevel 600. These alts only do 2 delves at level 8 and get a 616 hero piece.

Look for WQ that offer armor pieces. They may give a minor item level boost.

Delves give you champion gear and is solo-able at your own pace.

I’m not sure where you’re getting the 2 a week limit from bountiful delves. You can do as many bountiful delves as you have restored coffer keys. You unlock your 3rd vault slot after completing 8 delves. Make sure you complete your weekly quests to get the keys, which you can get 4 of a week

I feel I should clarify; it has a CHANCE to drop champion gear. Nothing guaranteed.

It is two pieces of 584 veteran gear from world events like Theater or lighting minor flames in Hallowfall. That may have been conflated with delves somewhere along the way. There is a lot of information to playing this game.