Do bountiful delves! They’re solo content. Tier 8s give 3/8 Champion gear and if you complete two Tier 8 Bountiful you get a 619 piece. Set Brann to Healer and they are very acessible!
Run Delves. Buy the Renown vendor gear.
This definitely, even though OP seems to not want to do any grouped content at all and I respect that, but that, is barely grouped content.
Delves are definitely another option. Just a couple a week and you get a vault slot.
First two world events each week give veteran gear.
First four world events each week should give you a coffer key.
Take the coffer keys to bountiful delves. Complete the delve and get gear at the end. Each key is good for one bountiful delve. If you have a lot of keys, you can run 28 a week until you run out. As you climb the tiers of delves, the rewards increase. Including the item you can pick from the vault.
You’re missing the entire delve content
I geared all my alts using the pvp bloody tokens currency. It’s veteran gear and the best part is they are all already 4/8 upgraded.
So if you take it to the catalyst, then upgrade each piece once you can unlock the LFR and normal raid transmogs.
You earn 100 tokens from each WQ you complete with pvp turned on.
The currency is also uncapped and if you are alliance you can easily get I think 50-60 from the pvp airplane drop cache that happens every 15 minutes in each zone.
There is also a weekly quest in the pvp area in Dorn that gives 1,000.
Sometimes a pvp WQ rewards 500.
Delves give champion gear, heroic with maps, and heroic in vault.
I run them all the time solo. It’s the rewards that are the issue.
What is that and where?
I’ve never gotten gear at the end from those after the two weely. It counts as the two weekly limit.
What level Delves are you running?
At level three right now. Level four wrecks me.
You’re running Delves on this toon here?
What spec?
This is the only character I have. I have no interest in alts. Balance, but I’m considering starting a Guardian spec for those tougher fights.
If you want to include delves as they are able to be done solo, you can get champion gear from those at certain tiers as well as hero gear if you get special maps for tier 8 or higher. But you could definitely be getting champion gear from mid tier delves.
We need to find you some build help or some tips.
I don’t think you should be getting wrecked at 581 in a T4 Delve.
I get gear from the bountiful delves all the time. I have over a dozen keys currently and could use them all for 600 gear a the end of a bountiful tier-8 delve. Make sure to unlock the main chest.
I’ll give you some tips, just general that might help. My opinion so take it for what it is.
Easiest Delves.
- Spiral Weave
- Fungal Folly
- Tak-Rethan Abyss
- Nightfall Sanctum
- The Sinkhole
Use underwater breath pots for underwater Delves, you can shape shift into fishy form so maybe a non issue for you.
If you want Brann to drop a campfire, use mana, self heal or something and he’ll drop one for you.
Brann talents I use are Unbreakable Iron Idol and Amorphous Relic and seem to work well.
We need someone that can chime in on Delves and Druids.
Do WQs in warmode, and the weekly “collect 100” sparks quest. You can buy 593 gear for most slots with the bloody coins or w/e they’re called. For the spark quest you can just go around picking up wax piles or other chests that spawn in the zone. Don’t actually have to pvp.
Yeah, work your way up those levels, then you can get higher ilvl gear.
If you only want to do Guardian for the tougher Delves, remember you can set your loot spec to Balance for the other content you prefer.