As far as I know, I can get one Veteran gear from the Vault and two from the first two Chests for the week. I’m a solo player who does not do dungeons or raids. Is this the maximum gear I can get each week, or am I missing something?
No, as far as I know all your cache after the first should be at minimum, Veteran.
First cache is Champion, subsequent caches will be Veteran, says right on the box.
Unless I am very much mistaken.
Says Veteran for me and all subsequent after the first two give no gear. I do not have high reputations. Maybe that’s why?
Im not to certain but I think awakening the machine quest might drop vet gear and possibly vault slots if repetitive runs
I have not done that. I think. Let me check.
Ok, so I was at the Anniversary grounds, and had the TW quest open, then I checked the one for the 3 world bosses, they said the same.
Ported to Dorn and yes, it say Veteran for Worldsoul.
Ah ok thanks for clearing that up. Even with the Vault at three tries it gives mostly the same armor each week.
Just checked, have not done that yet. Will check it out.
Just checked and the reward from Awakening the Machine also counts for the two veteran gear each week.
So it will take forever to get geared up considering I seem to get the same gear each drop. Since it’s a random drop, Blizzard, how about four chests each week plus the Vault?
You can also get veteran gear from renown vendors pretty early on, and later you get champion gear.
T8 delves give 606 gear at the end of the delve and a 619 vault, so you can get yourself full champion gear as a solo player too.
Run Bountiful Delves OP.
You can also run BRD. There’s a weekly quest to kill the final boss in the last wing, which gives a champion track piece of gear. You have chances to loot veteran gear off of the other bosses. And if you full clear all the bosses and mini-bosses and get the 40 timewarped keys, you can purchase a veteran piece of gear of your choosing from the vendor nearby.
The issue is only two per week. I’ve just done Awakening the Machine and the chest had no gear because I’ve already got my two for the week and they all were repeats of gear I already have.
Bountiful Delves gives only within the two allowed each week. Tons of ways of getting those two, but only two each week.
Is it level 80 and I need a group? If so, then that is not an option for me. If it can be soloed, then I’ll give it a try.
First 2 award veteran and everything after awards adventurer.
The first two TWW boxes drop vet, the first Tanaris weekly box drops champ with all others dropping vet.
Other solo content includes bountiful delves; T5 drops vet, T7 drops champ, T4 champ in vault, T7 hero in vault.
Bountiful delves are up four at a time, reset each day, and require keys which first four TWW boxes each drop one, the first Tanaris weekly box drops one, sometimes WQ award fragments, each run drops items that can be used to get more fragments.
Never heard of this. Will check it out. Thanks.
They all involve grouping with people which is not something I do. Oh well, three random chances per week getting mostly the same gear dropping seems the situation. It is what is is.
Thank you all for your replies! Cheers!
It’s the 20 year anniversary weekly quests - Chromie (group scenario but with a queue - it’s very easy), the weekly for the anniversary outdoor world bosses (find groups in premade group finder - search boss name / quest name), and the Alterac Valley event.
There is also a queueable LFR version of the BRD anniversary raid, not bad, but it is group content - the raid bosses have a chance to drop vet gear, the reward box drops vet gear.
Why won’t you run Bountiful Delves OP?
I’m not seeing the issue.
Delves also exist, unless you’re doing those for champion gear.
My guess is that OP is one of those players who thinks “well, you can group for delves, therefore you must group for delves”. Either that, or tried one and it was too hard.
Which is bogus, delves were it intended to be solo progression.