I know that the sword is made out of a void crystal from a dead naaru right?
It’s in the game, but not obtainable.
Sounds like a challenge!
The Death Star was indestructible, but Luke did it.
Nothing stopped indy. Snakes however did make him slow down. Lol.
I love your zeal for this. The truth is they saved it on a flashdrive and some dude in accounting foretold a prophecy:
“When the World of Warcraft is in it’s darkest hour and all hope seems lost the World of Warcraft shall arise again from the ashes renewed. When old is new and new is garbage a player shall light our path by finding the Ashbringer”.
I believe that time is now. Wow is in its darkest hour ever! Old is new and new is garbage! The signs are all there! All hail The Accountant!
Void Crystal’s are from TBC =(
Go for it! I love legends like this. I feel like game nowadays don’t have enough myatery. Everyone always googles it. Lets start some legends!
I heard you need some crazy amount of +fishing and need to camp EPL to get Ashbringer.
Didn’t the orcs come from Outland?
I think that if the blade is obtainable… it would be through uncorrupting the one from naxx, not crafting a new one.
At the end of TBC during the pre-wrath patch my guild went in the day before WOTLK launched and to clear naxx for fun. The Corrupted Ashbringer dropped and we gave it to a ret pally. We took turns going into SM with him and everyone kneeled before him it was amazing! I almost wanna make a warrior/pally alt just to try and get it…
Thrall drops the crystal!!!
Nice find.
Now if you could manage to fly through the fatigue and find the Tomb of Sargeras… maybe you go in and find the mangled corpse of Gul’dan who has a void crystal from Dreanor on him?
Gonna have to farm Ogrimmar. Sorry horde, Ashbringer is Alliance only.
Horde just need to MC an alliance priest, then MC thrall and he’ll be flagged as alliance.
I think it would just be a super rare drop from an orc mage in UBRS.
Your trolling is too low effort.
This is a great legend but we have a Doomhammer. So yea. Lol.
I think in terms of content that could be added post naxx, this is good stuff.
Add an ashbringer questline that is just as hard as Thunderfury, Hand of Rag and Atiesh.
Give each class a legendary to lust over, but ultimately never get.
I wish legendary weapon quests had been skill based rather than luck based.
Like the hunter/priest epic quests. Anyone could get the drops, but it took a certain level of competence to actually complete the quests.
Damn. Touche, good sir.