Getting shut-out completely for tagging elites

here is the thing about the arguments for “just tag it” and suggestions for fastest abilities. imagine for a moment that you are NOT a jerk and actualy care that all these people waiting next to you - get a tag too. you are at this point geared enough to one shot a rare with a tag… a lot of people are. so knowing that, imagine that you are trying to find a way to get that tag in without f-ing over all the other players waiting next to you.

what’s being recommended here is an arms race between various over-geared players of who will be the single person to get that tag in. but there will still only be ONE person getting that tag in. that is NOT a solution to the issue that can be easily solved by extending a tagging period instead of coming up with ever increasing arms race tagging means.


I farmed the Isle of Misfit Toys for the rep and rares, and while doing so found out real fast. If I waited and tried to be nice, someone would always come a long and one tap the rare in front of me.

Wish something could be done to change how killing the rares works, but I doubt anything will change. Best of luck and if you were like me, once you got everything done you just never really go back, outside of killing the world bosses.


World content having world content problems?

This is a community problem.

You need a community solution

I’m surprised Blizz didn’t anticipate this outcome and plan ahead for it. Now that it’s obvious how many people are struggling with getting a tag on mobs that have turned trivial for so many, it feels like the no-brainer would be to make a tagging grace period. The cute chronostablizing phase does nothing to alleviate the problem.

I thought of something that might help in special Remix modes to accomodate both the powerful, the undergeared, and anyone in between. Lots of quests in WoW have one equipped with an item that is designed to act upon corpses—burn, bury, annoint, stick a fork in it, it’s done. If we could all have such an item in Remix, for a period of time after an elite has fallen, we could poke a dead horse with our magical Remixer Fork and empty some unseen pocket of loot just for us, despite the elite being recently deceased.

Perhaps to make it less abusable to bots (the bane of our existence) it could be assessed that our character was very close to the mob when it died and not AFK. But the quest items performing some action on mobs one had to first kill is already something they’ve worked out the code for and it’d be a terrific way around the disappointing one-shot wonders in Remix.

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This is a developer problem caused by a lack of foresight in an event advertised as being overpowered.


Yeah, but there are some who just want to watch the world content burn.

The community has people in it who will stack large mounts over quest givers and mail boxes and anything at all that makes an exasperating moment of inconvenience for someone else. It’s like there’s a malicious trade school out there for a certain type of deeply unhappy gamers that can only get their dopamine if they think they’re responsible for diminishing the enjoyment of others. In this distopian training program they learn which toys can block which doors, what can most likely be misclicked and trap the unwary, how a simple training dummy can keep one in combat well past actually wanting to be in combat, and in the yesteryear of yore, trick someone into flagging for pvp they didn’t want to engage in.

Community problems fersure because we’re not playing a single-player game, but Blizzard has in the past tried to find dev solutions to community problems whenever possible, such as dismount zones around npc areas, and restricting the use of toys in battlegrounds. Their source of revenue is the community and if it grows too unhappy to subscribe, there are fewer problems but also fewer wallets of avail. :money_with_wings: :smirk_cat:

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This isn’t a community problem. I attack a rare once and it dies, am I supposed to wait for someone else to attack it once and it die without ME getting credit? Its definitely a blizzard problem that needs correction, there is no reason that rares can’t have like a 30 second cheat death mechanic where everyone can tag it and when it dies everyone gets credit.

We all know they can code for mobs to take damage and not die they just need to put that on rares. This also allows for people to actually have a chance i’m not usually just sitting in one place waiting for a rare i’m roaming because that’s going to be my best chances usually.