Getting shut-out completely for tagging elites

On Timeless Isle, at the Archiereus of Flame, there’s a certain demon hunter who seems to be intentionally trying to stop others from getting a tag. They look like they’re using the bigger cooldowns of a DH while having over 1.14 million threads. This one person is making a lot of unhappy campers at Archie. ONE person shuts out everyone else. And they act like they’re doing it deliberately, flagged for PVP, like anyone not abusing the Archie spawns could even touch them. And I don’t think there’s anything wrong with farming Archie, but it sure feels wrong to try to exclude anyone else who’s there from also looting.

They could pare down their gear, stop using their burstiest cooldowns, stay on one server, several actions would show some goodwill to their fellow players, who are also paying 15 bucks a month to participate. This problem will only continue to get worse as player power grows and more characters go past 1 million threads, able to take out elites with one shot. Could Blizzard please look into a grace period for elites? Because there are some players out there who are graceless and trying their level best to see that no one else can ever reach their thread count.


This has been posted multiple times so I’ll just post this here

Use the Meta:
[Thundering Orb]

Target Archie and when his timer reaches 1 second - or 2, use the Meta, you should get a tag then.


A grace period is beter than what we have now but is the wrong solution. What we need is:

  1. You get kill credit (and loot) for being near the mob when it dies. No tag required. Tagging is an antiquated mechanism. There’s absolutely no good reason to keep it; and

  2. Only give rewards for rares once per day.

Problem solved.


It’s a really good notion, Cazadori, and I thank you greatly for taking the time to suggest it! I tried that meta once and I no doubt did it clumsily and failed. I switched to balance druid and tried mushrooms and starfall and I just can’t find an AOE that works for me. The best I can do, which is also low damage, which I like in order to best give others a chance at the whole ONE SEC window, is to swipe in cat form when my active build is guardian. It’s zippy fast and I hover my cursor over the chronostabilizing countdown so that I time it just so! That is usually effective.

With this demon hunter and their +million threads, though, even in a party with my hubby and him dropping the death knight AOE death and decay, and me swiping on zero seconds, we both are unable to tag Archie, and owing to the comments around us, no one else but that million threaded menace actually got a tag.

But I’m certainly open to learning better, more effective techniques! Appreciate the idea, if this keeps driving me batty, I’ll give that orb method another go. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I just went to Timeless Isle, just because I still have 3 of the 5 Scroll of Challenge I purchased, now, obviously, that DH wasn’t on my realm but there were plenty of players around, I have 424K Threads - not 1 mill, but still up there, I used Thundering orb at 1 second left, got my tag and it didn’t one shot him at all, plenty of health and time for others there to tag.

If you feel you may “fumble” put it on #1 on your spell bar temporally, hover over him with your mouse with finger on the trigger … I hope it works for you.


I’ll give that a try right after supper! It’s heartening to hear that it’s not a 1-shot method, because it is important to me not to keep others from having a good Archie experience, too. As Kekmor stated above, we do need some way of having everyone who’s gathered close to an elite to be able to loot it. I think a safe-to-tag period would work about the best, similar to how Pandaria world bosses work now in Dragonflight.

Thank you so much for re-testing your Orb method in the field and writing out the clear instructions to attempt. Look forward to seeing if I can get good results from it, too! :mirror_ball: :sweat_smile:


Not always. I made a Weakaura to give me an easier visual of when the Chronostabilizing buff counts down, used the orb at 1 second, someone else’s tag one shot the rare. It wasn’t Archerus, but it still happens on many rares.

It’s only going to get worse the more powerful more people get. We still have two months left, and I’m afraid by the end, it’ll just be whoever gets luckiest to get the first tag.

By the way, if you use Weakauras and would like a countdown bar for that specific buff so you don’t have to hover over the mob frame, here’s the one I made:


Either put in a short phase where the rare can be hit but can’t die or put in the AOE credit for being within about 10 yards of the rare. Just do something to make it less of a clown show in trying to tag a rare.


For any mages out there who want to get the tag essentially no matter what, go fire and slam down tons of flamestrikes with the flame patch talent specced. It allows you to put a ton consistently damaging AoEs in a single spot. Unless something else triggers faster than one of your endless piles of flame patches, you’ll get the tag.

Why are you trying an AoE?

Just target the mob and start spamming Moonfire at 5 seconds.

It won’t go off until the mob is viable. It’s direct and instant. It doesn’t cause a GCD.


These solutions are bad.


Every mage spec has a spell with zero travel time. You don’t need to go fire.

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Orb is not an instant cast. It is a ticking cast with travel time. It won’t instantly tag

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Counterspell works, I use it on my mage all the time.

It also has the added benefit of causing no damage and doesn’t cause my tinkers to go off, because I don’t mind sharing tags.

I still find it insane that people think they’re using awesome abilities to get a tag, but don’t understand that they’re not instant and most have a travel time.


“every mage spec has a spell with zero travel time” yes counterspell tags.

I know that. I activate it about 1-2 seconds before the mob is active so it ticks, but they still get killed before that sometimes.

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Hi. Thundering orb doesn’t work with a dh with 125% haste uses eye beam. The mob is dead before it tics. Hope this helps.



Idea 1 is a great one. I doubt idea 2 will happen since they clearly intended for rare spawns to be farmed this way. That’s why they hotfixed them to spawn every 20 minutes.

Although if the game ever does go in that direction and makes such things lootable only once a day, they need to also ditch this “spawns every hour” nonsense and just make them spawn every minute. If it’s once a day, it’s going to become part of someone’s daily schedule - it should be reliably present when they come for it.

Even now when I do my world tour for world bosses I can only loot once per day, it’s getting annoying to keep arriving right after they die and having to waste 15 minutes waiting for a respawn. That’s unnecessary dead time.

Yeah I agree, its not very fun having to sit around a bunch for world bosses.