Getting shut-out completely for tagging elites

If you do proximity loot I think you have to limit how often a day you can get the loot or people will just AFK there all day. Not competing for tags is enough of a win. Spawn times should still be relatively quick. None of this 1 hour spawn nonsense.

The tick is on a timer. You need to use an instant cast zero travel time spell

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Counterspell is an instant tag

Just tag the mob.

No one else has a chance to when you show up. You don’t “just tag,” you elbow and eye beam all over your fellow players, casting the biggest spell that isn’t on cooldown from your kill of Archie a moment ago in order to ensure you do as much damage as possible and no one else is left with a nanosecond to “just tag.”

Figures you’d server hop your shifty wings over here as well to prove how tough and edgy you are. You know exactly what you’re doing and you’re sadistically taking quite a lot of pleasure in it. There is such thing as karma. Keep soiling yours with your little acts of unkindness. Everyone who sees you show up, and that’s rather a lot of people, should report you as zone disruption.

Now to put you on ignore here, too. You do not deserve a moment more of people’s time than you already waste.


They do if they stop insisting on using inefficient abilities.

Eye Beam is a DoT, it isn’t instant. If you can cast an instant ability, it can hit between Eye Beam ticks.

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I’m thinking one tick is more than enough for poor Archie to be face-planted, but I’m all kitty ears to hear of a spell that’ll do minimal damage and have no travel time!

Moonfire, spammed before the chrono time ends, sounds a little difficult to stop once it hits. I don’t think if I were repeatedly clicking to cast that I’d be able to stop a second moonfire from landing, thus doing more damage than I’d want to?

If anyone knows druid spells, any spec, that are these wonderful instant casts with no travel time, I’d love to test them out. Perhaps “soothe” might work like counterspell? Oh, you asked upthread why I was looking for an AOE. It’s not the area effect I’m after, it’s the type of spell that doesn’t require split second timing that’d be awesome. The pally spell “consecration,” the DK spell “death & decay,” the sort of thing you can drop as the countdown goes and it’ll last into Archie’s albeit brief life. I associate that type of constant ticking over time with the ground AOEs.

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Moonfire, Sunfire, any instant. Target the mob, start spamming at around 5 seconds, it won’t go off till the mob is viable, it doesn’t cause a GCD.

The Pally consecrations and DK D&D are what I class as inefficient too. They are DoTs, they have ticks, you can cast an instant inbetween the ticks.


I tried Starfall and had high hopes for that. Ordinarily I’m a bear, but switched to balance just to see if that would work, because it’s such a lovely spell. But even in a fairly unattended Archie appearance, it didn’t tag him.

Thank you for all your suggestions, my dear panda! I will take a look through all the instant cast types, try to find the one with the least actual damage and attempt to spam it before he drops off his sunny side up aura. :fried_egg: :blush:

I press eyebeam so it gets tagged. I have sat at 100s of kills and the boss dies just the same. Might be the most mellow dramatic thing I have ever seen.

The people saying “just tag it” are acting like letting rares live for a few seconds is the end of the world.




English isn’t my first language, but I’ll leave that up just for you.

What is the endgame for people sitting AFK at the Archiereus of Flame rare? Like what are they going to do with 1.14 million threads?

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I’m only there for mogs, but others like increasing power gains. All of my threads came from farming dungeons.

Yeah but like what’s the point to having such a massive power level? It’s not like raids are going to get cleared that much faster. There’s no pvp. Is it just to see the number go up? You reach a point around 400,000ish threads where all secondaries and tertiaries are capped so the only gem worth anything is the armor gem. At that point the only threads worth anything are the Main stat and Stam.

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Same reason that people farmed AP in legion and AP in BFA with islands - number go up. Things do get faster. At the point where heroics are easily soloable (minus galakras) at this stage. I have a fresh DH with no threads that does like 3m dps. This DH right now opens at 40m. Quite the difference even if the ilvl is the same.

Yep, but then you’re at the mercy of ping and someone else’s too. I’d rather just let the server register damage from the patches of flame vs losing a tag.

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This. It’s not about using “efficient abilities with no travel time.” It’s about the target getting one shot a mere single CPU tick before you can hit it because the person doing so is 25ms latency ahead of you.

As a fury warrior I wait until the immune effect is at 0 seconds, then pop Whirlwind. It’s multi-hit, and so far has yet to miss the tag. But I’m not sitting there farming the things all day so I only have a small sample size.

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you still have to react faster than their instant cast spell and if they are operating under 15ms latency and you have 40ms or more that will be next to impossible.

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