Getting scammed

I am only posting this at the suggestion of the games master i spoke to about situations in which some of us get scammed by other players. promising boosts, or carries, then taking the gold and vanishing. I was told that in these situations the losses cant be restored, and that the party responsible will be investigated and dealt with.

I think this system needs to be changed, and that dedicated players like myself, that have spent more than a decade, and a crap ton of money on the game over the years, should have some kind of insurance or protection from this.

I know its a case of buyer beware, and that i am the dummy that ultimately made the choice that cost me a small fortune. But these people offering these boosts exist, and regardless of what blizz has said its doing or has tried to do , they still persist. I have purchased more than a handful of carries for things, and have had no issues, so to think the next guy might be the one to take my gold and bolt, i admit my guard was down. That being said, the amount i lost, both in terms of wow gold, and in terms of the token equivelent, are negligible to a company like blizz, to be able to restore. Esp if they plan to remove the gains the scammer got as part of its investigation, meaning they’ve got records of the transactions and amounts etc.

In doing so they have simply removed the gold from teh economy, pocketed the money spent on tokens, and noone but them has benefitted from the scammer. which if thats the case why would they ever want to stop scammers from doing their thing?

In closing, i didnt come here to whine, i didnt come here for sympathy, i posted this because the gm that replied to me, said if i wanted to see change to their policy of how these things work, to bring it here, and gauge the communities response. Do you think the player base should have some kind of protection or insurance from scammers, and if so, what kind and to what extent? After all, if they are gonna continue to let boosters sell and advertise, and potentially rip people, off, for what is essentially a profit to them (since most people that buy these boosts do it with gold that came from wow tokens) shouldnt it be on blizz to protect those same customers?


I agree. There is no reason that blizzard can’t simply put the gold back on your account like they would do if you got hacked.


It’s the idiot tax.

You did something stupid, this is your tax.


That’s different. They can see that your account got on from a different IP and what you had at that moment.


blizzard can look at the trading transaction and see how much gold you gave the scammer.

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Can they prove you’re just not having buyer’s remorse?


Look at the chat logs and see what the scammer promised…then look to see if that promised event occurred.

IE: scammer promises a carry through a mythic 15. Did the scammer actually invite the buyer into a group and bring them into a dungeon or did the scammer just take the gold and run away?


Too much work.

Just don’t do something they advised against doing and guess what, you don’t get scammed!


Boosts are not officially supported by Blizzard.


I think your right, if you lost gold from a dishonest seller then you should be able to get your gold back. Like you said, they are already doing an investigation on the person your reporting. If they see something so plainly that they could punish another player for it, then it makes sense to give the gold back to the original player.

Unless they don’t really do anything and just say that for customer service reasons. Lol


Personally, I think that blizzard should just ban all boosting services entirely.

HOWEVER, if blizzard is going to allow boosting to occur and profit off token sales in relation to it, blizzard should provide some sort of protection for the buyers.

Most people buy wow tokens to pay for boosts, so basically the scammer just stole $20 from the player and blizzard just removes the gold from the scammer. Meanwhile, the player is still out the $20 and blizzard collected profit from that token sale.


As well as the conversation log when making the agreement. I never got scammed but I’ve very rarely been in the position to be scammed like this either. It was always my understanding that Blizzard would play the police in cases like this of theft and fraud.

There was that one time though, where the mail improperly autofilled and I sent some fairly expensive mats to the wrong person. I knew it had to be someone I knew and probably just an underplayed alt, so it wasn’t going to be a big issue getting it back as long as I knew who to ask for it. But that GM outright refused to tell me what character it was sent to so I could ask them to get it back and forced me to wait the full month when the mail finally auto returned. So even back in the days of live GMs it could be pulling teeth when it came to reasonable mistakes.


First of all, this is all on you. You will not be able to get a refund for gold. And no, I don’t think players should have insurance, it was your choice to buy from someone you didn’t know. I see it as a punishment in a way, a way of learning from your mistakes. Because let’s be honest here, if there was an insurance policy Blizzard will be getting numerous responses from players like yourself saying you were scammed daily. You have to be smart about these things,


No you shouldnt anything outside of the auction house is an unsupported transaction


Like anywhere, do a bit of research before handing over your money. Do you ask around to get recommendations from people you know? Do you check to see if they’ve been around for more than two days? Or do you just pick the cheapest deal and go with it?


Blizzard should just ban all forms of boosting rather than ignoring it and making a profit when a person gets scammed out of gold. (person buys wow token, uses wow token to buy carry, person gets scammed and doesn’t get gold back, person buys wow token again).

Everything that is allowed within the ToS is a supported transaction.

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I bought a couple AoTC carries in long ago yesteryear but stopped when the prices people charged became full on insane. Carries went from being a fun way to treat myself to just being stupid. Noped out of the whole process and haven’t ever looked back. Suggest all do the same…


It depends, do I think boosting should be banned? Yes, I do, because why play the game if you’re going to be boosted through raids, PVP, and PvE? But at the same time though, this is how boosters pay for their monthly sub.

Yeah, but this is how boosters pay their subs.

Just because you feel that way doesn’t make it true.