Getting scammed

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Kinda just what happens when you do something not supported by Blizz. It’s a risk you take. I think boosting should be completely removed from the game personally.


It’s the WoW “oldest profession”. Too much demand, and too hard to define where the line is. I think forcing the advertising into its own channel is a good step, but only if it’s enforced.

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I literally don’t care how boosters pay for their subs

People say that boosting needs to be allowed so that world first guilds can recoup their losses spent on the RWF
I literally don’t care at all and would be perfectly fine with RWF guilds being stuck without methods of repayment on their debts (maybe it would make the RWF a little less degenerate if the guilds didn’t spend so much real money in the form of gold on it).


Wrong read blizzard support articles and heres a blue post from Vrakthris

And heres Ythsiens explaining unsupported transactions in comments in the big thread on policy changes


You guys don’t understand how useless GMs are. Not once have they ever helped me, and I’ve been playing the game off and on since it came out.

If you lose an item to a bug, too bad they wont do anything.

If you get scammed too bad they wont do anything


What if the ah ate all your gold for a transaction and you didn’t get the item? You’d be crying so hard. Quit trying to sound edgy, attitudes like this are so old and unwarranted. Contribute to the thread in a non troll way.


The problem is, the boosting service hasn’t ever been supported by Blizzard even tho they allow it. It’s a buyer beware situation. And they won’t kill off Boosting completely since it makes them money.

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Before the token I feel like it wasn’t worth the time invested for it all, ban the scammer, discourage the purchase of boosts
 whatever I can understand it.

But when you sell a token for gold now you are in a round about way dealing with fraud. Obviously it’s not the same as it’s gold and not cash, and tos you don’t own anything blah blah blah
but when a customer buys gold from you, then gets scammed via boosting which you have fostered and facilitated, it’s kind of on you to make them whole as well.

Blizz wants all the profit and none of the responbility,and that’s something people should be taking issue with. If you agree with, or disagree with boosting, they should at least be respecting the actual money being spent in game instead of just shrugging their shoulders and walking away while secretly hoping the scammed simply buys another token to try again.


^ This

It’s just another example of blizzard doing blizzard things: doing whatever they can to make more money while sacrificing the in-game experience for players.

I feel like the game would be designed in a much better and create a more enjoyable experience for the player if the wow token were removed. Since the wow token exists, blizzard designs its game to induce the purchase of wow tokens.

No blizzard shouldn’t allow “Insurance” for player services lol. Thats them also pretty much endorsing of carries.

What? Blizzard does endorse boosting: they expressly say that boosting for in-game gold is allowed within the TOS and blizzard even gave boosting its own chat channel.

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This is a logical fallacy.

I could argue then that blizzard is endorsing scamming people.

Returning gold taken by scam/fraud is not endorsement, nor is it insurance. It’s basic rule enforcement.

If it is a respected guild doing boosting (I hope it’s not ) then they have to refund the gold (if) you have the proof that is a contract . Lord if they don’t.

This will NEVER happen, as members of the blizzard dev team has posted on social media about their guilds selling boosting services. They have a vested interest in keeping things as-is even if it has a negative effect on the game, or player experience.

While its cool that the devs play the game they create, it absolutely creates conflicts of interest when it comes to design decisions that they make.

it’s kind of already answered here.
it’s like buying an over-priced item in the AH, the GMs won’t help you.

were you trying to buy m+, raid, or PVP?

Here’s why I’m not wrong:

I don’t buy boosting services because I play the game. I enjoy the challenges for obtaining things. Personally, I believe all boosting should be banned.

I didnt see anything link?

I mean
that’s nice?
i was just trying to give OP tips/advice if they want to keep buying boosts.

Most definitely, It’s their playground, it falls on them to protect the players from shady dealings.