Getting rid of RBGs for THIS?

Blitz is an amazing game mode, and I love it.

What I don’t love is the current community.
Yes, I understand that if (God FORBID) they get rid of 10 man rbgs and focus on blitz being the main ‘RBG’ push, there will be more.
Yes, I understand that it isn’t rated.
Regardless, the community is awful. People don’t even understand how to play Warsong Gulch. Or just don’t care.
ItS jUsT bLiTz - seems to be the mindset here.

I’ve gotten into more Blitz runs than I care to count where it’s just me, and maybe 2-3 other people who actively want to win.
Four vs Eight.
Half our team just run around doing jack.
Idk how many times I’ve typed out Blood Elf Tower isn’t active, you don’t need to be there in EoTs.

People will fight outside flag rooms while the enemy FC stands just inside.
The list can go on and on, and I’m sure people have other experiences as well.

I won’t lie and say it’s all be awful, I’ve had great matches! I’ve been on the winning side, where the enemy team doesn’t GaF.
It sucks. It hasn’t gotten better as Blitz has been here, if anything it gets worse.

Do not get rid of 10v10. It is the most fun in rated I’ve had in WoW.


RBGs aren’t going away… yet. They appear to be happening in TWW, though it does sound like they may be restructured into 8v8 as well.

That being said, the only thing you can do is try to win every game. Some games you’ll get the people who don’t care. Some games you’ll get the people who do care. As long as you’re doing your part, you’ll climb and leave the people who don’t care behind.

Anyone queuing blitz that is actively lowering their team’s chance to win will cap at like 1500 when it’s rated because their MMR will eventually settle them into a bracket full of players like them.


From the looks of it, premade RBGs are fortunately still going to be in the game alongside Blitz as a separate rated mode in TWW. I’m hoping it will still be 10v10 and does NOT have the Blitz rule set. That and hopefully Blitz doesn’t kill RBGs.

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blud thinks I pay 15 a month to not fight in mid lmao


Generally speaking, the games can be pretty sweaty with players who have knowledge, experience and are good enough to hamper things that you are trying to do at higher MMR. There are always exceptions to the rule, however.

What you are talking about is very common at lower MMR though. It’s going to be a good idea to hook up with a healer to try to climb out of that range. Once out, solo queueing will be better.

Well I mean it’s not rated. It’s kind of treated the same way as normal BGs. OR you get rated players playing it to check it out and that is why you get “it’s only Blitz”. This isn’t a “Blitz community” thing. This happens in every PvP mode, rated or unrated.

This kind of stuff will get better. BG Blitz format is just different than normal BGs. Just keep giving instruction and be patient. Unlike PvE there isn’t anything in game to explain to people that certain maps work different. You will get bad teams.

I few things here. First it’s brand new DIFFERENT BG mode. Second you have an influx of new players doing it because of them publicly announcing it taking over as the new RBG format. Need to be a little patient because this mode will appeal to people outside of the arena player base. Maybe even some PvE players trying it out.

Unfortunately the general consensus isn’t how you feel I think, otherwise they wouldn’t be going to 8v8. Change can be hard, gotta give this more time. This overall will be better for BGs and RBGs.

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The main issue with Blitz is that it’s infested with low Honor Level players.

If you enter Blitz - you can look at the Honor Levels, and tell the type of game it’s going to be. You can predict a win, loss, or even game.

Once Rated comes out - it should boost the higher skilled players to the top, and keep the low Honor Level players where they belong. It’ll get better in TWW.

But I kinda enjoy farming low Honor Level players.

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I love rbg!! More than anything! But I can’t stand that is revolves around having a bear tank. That blizz cannot figure out or refuses to figure out a way to balance tanks in Rbgs.
So I’m very happy to have blitz rated! I’d rather Que into fast blitz ques than wait for a god dang bear tank for an hour!

The general consensus among high xp players, at least from what I’ve seen, is that 8v8 format is worse than 10v10. It wouldn’t be the first time Blizzard made the wrong decision for PvP. The only advantage the 8v8 format gives is one less healer role to fill, but that also means the meta would be more strict and there’d be less room for non-meta specs in premades. So with all due respect, no. The 10v10 format is better than 8v8 for premades at least.


I think the thing that would make more people upset is having the ground spawn power ups in the BG. Those are there so an individual player can have more impact and aren’t really suited for coordinated team play, IMO.


Blitz can’t kill something that’s already been dead for years.


Who hurt you?

he’s not wrong tbh

Blizz hurt me by not making PvP better.


You should see him in the other forum posts x_x

Was replying to the guy who appears in every RBG post just to say RBGs are bad.


I imagine we’ll have a lot of posts about Blitz when rated comes into play there. Well, more than now.

Why not relax, Q up for the real PvP of WoW: random/epic BG’s? The best and most played form of PvP in MMO history. 3 a day, keeps the crazy doctor away!

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Blitz is a rated platform it’s just not live yet.
When it becomes rated a lot of these non rated players who don’t want to engage and defend non-spawning nodes or help the fc will go back to epics or m+
It’s currently non rated and those are the players you see. When it is rated all those garbage players disappear don’t worry about it


Certainly not rated battlegrounds, lol.

Always great when someone thinks honor level equates to skill.