Getting rid of RBGs for THIS?

Just like some high rated arena players think RSS should be removed from the game, the same times of things will happen with an 8v8 format.

Yes in the premade bracket. But he premade bracket is already on life support now with 10v10. Idk how much of a difference this is. High rated players will say this but they are also the reason these metas exist.

You say this but nothing you said = 10v10 is better. Easy counter about the meta things is that on the other side yolos can form faster not having to find a 3rd healer. Healers as we all know are hard to find period especially in PvP.


Let’s hope not. Those “garbage players” are good for growing PvP.


There’s legitimate reasoning to wanting RSS removed. People are reasonably pessimistic about Blitz since Blizzard didn’t learn the lessons they needed to learn from RSS to make SoloQ not ruin the brackets.

It’s on life support because of neglect. You get out what you put in. If Blizzard puts nothing in for YEARS, they’re not gonna get much out of it. You can’t just look at 10v10 RBGs and go, “I guess this mode can’t be helped, let’s make another bracket.” when there’s a list of things Blizzard could’ve (some not even requiring a lot of effort) to increase interest and participation.

I just said for making premades 8v8, the meta would be more strict and there’d be less room for non-meta specs. That IS an example of 10v10 being better. Want to bring your Resto Shaman friend to premade RBGs? Too bad. Need a MW monk and a PresEvo/Priest. Not to mention the map designs. WotLK Wintergrasp plays better than retail Wintergrasp because that map was designed to be 80v80, not 40v40, making it difficult to balance. Most of these maps aren’t designed for 8v8 Blitz format, making it less consistent and frustrating for competitive play.

Yolos are a poop show to begin with. Some don’t even bother getting a third healer.

Sounds like they did if you’re this obsessed with them.


They didn’t “ruin” the brackets. RSS definately has a lot of issues but remains the most played rated bracket despite all those issues. No matter what you think Blizzard can do for the premade brackets, solo queue is always going to have a negative effect on the premade brackets.

I would agree it was neglected, but overall 10v10 premades were always going to be less popular than a solo queue. Even if it solo queue was 10v10. The problem is if you just took the current 10v10 and added a solo queue neither bracket would do well imo.

This is not what they did no matter what people think.


I get your argument, but the meta argument only really holds true as you climb the ladder. The whole “bring the meta argument” is largely overblown to me. But then those non meta specs can just solo queue so there is that.

This is opinion, because nobody has seen anything other than 10v10 in action. There is no data to back any of this up.

So weird to use Wintergrasp as an example since it isn’t a map used in rated. First it was designed for 120 vs 120. Second it’s an open world zone. Second, they made adjustments to help Blitz fit better with 8v8 on the current maps, which largely address issues with the current maps. It’s not like they just change things to 8v8 and said have at it.

Yolo groups are pretty vital to keeping the premade bracket going lol.

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Trust me, I’m not. :rofl:

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Honestly, I wouldn’t cry if they decided to “Pull the plug” on RBGs in TWW:

  • Would I miss waiting 1-2 hrs. to form a group? Nope.
  • Would I miss listening to 20 yr. old kids talk trash in Discord like they’re somebody important? Nope.
  • Would I miss getting screamed at by some washed Hero from last century? Nope.
  • Would I miss queueing RBGs for 30 mins. only to run into Blizzcon champs at 1700 MMR? Nope.

I say… “Yank it like you’re startin’ a mower!” :electric_plug:


Maybe don’t join yolos? there are guilds that run that stuff and you can make your own group if you want.

I wasn’t talking about YOLOs, but thanks for chiming in.

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love how you ignore the rest lol but thanks for chiming in :wink:

So basically the same as all bgs and rated 10v10s. In reg rbgs it’s the same bs, people not listening and then you gotta kick them and replace and wait hrs.

I would rather deal with them in blitz then having to sit in valdrakken for 3 hrs to play 2 rbgs a night because forming groups takes forever. Sometimes ppl don’t want to join guilds or communities. So don’t even with that excuse.

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Ignore the “Rest?” What “Rest?” Your response was two sentences long. :joy:

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the rest you quoted but did not address.

You mean the pointless comment about forming my own group that doesn’t solve all of the problems there are with RBGs?

Yeah, I ignored that on purpose. Because it was stupid.

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Incorrect by forming your own group you can avoid those “trolls” and “toxic children” I also mentioned guilds. But honestly why are you so upset?


Hey… remember the part where I said:

What do you think I meant by that?

Nice try.

You sure seem upset, also guilds are not yolo.

Joining a guild or creating your own group would avoid 90% of this stuff and the last one is just straight up not happing unless you are high ranked.

I’m glad someone who has never been above 1500 in RBGs is telling us what to expect at checks notes 1700, where this stuff does happen in RBGs and has happened since at least MoP.


clearly you dont rbg enough you are talking nonsense . This doesnt solve the problem at all tbh .

Then don’t play RBG’s lol it’s that simply. PvP in wow is dying and it’s mostly the toxic community’s fault. You guys are never happy, and you judge based on rating even though in the long run it means literally nothing.