Getting really tired with this inconsistancy. (Long Boi Thread)

They will lie and say its not about tokens bit we all know it is :frowning:


Just when I thought the community couldn’t be any whinier or dumber, you come along with this idiotic rant about a mount being removed from the game.

PSA: Blizzard has removed mounts in the past, and will continue to do so to give players who obtained them a bit of GASP exclusivity.

The mounts from the mist of panda challenge modes were removed, and an argument could be made that people could just buy the achievements with gold to get those mounts. How is this any different? If people focus all their time and energy into making gold so they could get this mount, (which was data mined long before BfA was released) and gold making is what they like to do in-game as their activity, why shouldn’t they be able to get a cool achievement and have their mount be exclusive like other mounts that have become unobtainable?

They announced that the mists of panda mounts were going to be removed in the last patch of panda land as well.

You and all you other morons who whine about every single thing blizzard does that doesn’t fit your perfect world of how you play this game need to grow up. Get off your high horse, and stop being complete tools.

If you want the mount, buck up and earn the gold in game to buy the freakin mount. Thats what I did. I didn’t spend a single dollar on tokens for gold. I worked hard and achieved something rather difficult in game (saving 5mil gold was and is an achievement), and frankly, im glad they are removing it from the vendor. Its still on the BMAH so stop your whining. It just will make it even more of a cool mount to have.


Good points.

To be fair, some people detest exclusivity. Especially if it is something they’re told they cannot have.

Oh I agree there will of course be new gold-sinks in SL.

But if there’s 1 thing I know about the BMAH, is that something like the AH mount will NOT go cheap. The fact that it will be RNG+there will be only 1 mount purchasable at a time = recipe for extreme scarcity. So all those poor buggers like me will be faced with very little supply coupled with high demand. Economics 101 tells us that this can only mean one thing. The AH mount on the BMAH is almost guaranteed to go for faaaaaaaaar more than the 5mill it costs now. Come back to this thread when it happens if you don’t believe me.

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Well too bad. I wasn’t able to get the ZA War bear mount, but at the end of the day, i have no one to blame but myself because i procrastinated getting it until the last week or so that I could.

So what. A mount becomes unobtainable through conventional means. You still have the BMAH to get it if you don’t do what it takes to earn the gold in game to get it in shadowlands.


Classic is irrelevant to the discussion. And again, I never stated that you had to follow any kind of ranting. If you disagree you disagree. To have millions of players all be on the same page isn’t a reality. Buuuuut, every time I see you it’s mocking any kind of negative feedback towards the game. And maybe posts where you’re siding with the players who disagree with Blizzard exists somewhere, but I haven’t seen it.

The way you post is antagonistic towards anyone who has an opposing opinion from your own.


There’s factors we cannot account for just yet such as if they add in another AH mount.

But gotta remember, the mount is already fairly saturated in terms in the player base having it of those who could afford it. Anybody who could afford it now, would have done so already. Those who are still saving, will have to decide to buy this mount or any new gold sinks the devs add in for next expansion.

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Guess they should have announced shadowlands 6 months before blizzcon to avoid the data-mining. But they always underestimate how sweaty nerds will get.

I guess none of you have ever worked for a major company. I’ve worked for two, including Adidas for many years. We had entire sales promotions that marketing never told sales about including a few that nearly ended before we knew.

Its actually shocking how many things slip through the cracks when you have a thousand people working on ten thousand different things. People gonna make mistakes. But thats just the shill me talking.

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Why is this a problem? Why do you have issue with this? Its obvious that gold making is not what you like to do in game, so why should we not give something cool and exclusive to those who ARE gold makers in game?

It takes a lot of effort and work to make 5 million gold, and thats something worth making exclusive for those who do. For gold makers, the 5mil mount is in the same arena as mythic end expansion boss kills for mythic raiders.

I’m fine with the value of the mount increasing way above the 5mil mark in shadowlands.


I’m the same way. Anything I failed to obtain that I can no longer obtain doesn’t bug me. It’s just, “oh well”. If I didn’t feel like getting it at the time then it wasn’t worthwhile to go after.


Better question. Why are they just now telling everyone that it’s going away? Shouldn’t this have been something that got announced early on in the expansion?


Oh i’d say we can account for something. I mean those factors I mentioned will be a fact of life in SL. And its highly unlikely they’ll add a new AH mount in SL. Any new gold-sink will probs be something else. I suspect the AH mount will retain its unique practicality and that in and of itself will be the issue. So whilst yes, those who can afford it have of course long since bought it, there’s likely a massive market out there who can’t and therefore haven’t. So by the time it randomly pops on the BMAH, what I said will inevitably come to pass. Just you wait.

Whilst the rest of your post is completely nonsensical, you got one thing right at least. It will definitely go for far more than 5mill gold in SL.

I pretty much just respond to people like this. They Karen’s of the world. The aren’t super reasonable to begin with. That’s why they are memes.

That wasn’t the first AH mount they’ve had in the game.

I would say this is better than the alternative of them just removing the AH npc from the mount and turning it into just some random vendor mount.

I feel that this shows their disregard (not disconnect: they know what they’re doing) for the way a lot of people play the game. Lots of people enjoy spending time working towards goals from previous expansions, and this move undermines that style of play.

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No. They don’t have to announce that stuff is being removed because they give you AMPLE time during the course of the expansion to get it. And if GOLD MAKING is not your priority, why should you be entitled to that mount in the first place? They put that mount there specifically for those players who made it a priority in their game play to accumulate massive amounts of gold. 5 million gold is a LOT of gold. Its nice to see blizzard rewarding certain segments of the player base for their efforts with some exclusive things, no matter what efforts that was (making gold, high end raiding, mythic +, pet battles, etc).

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I am still in awe at people who can make that much gold. I cannot even afford the exalted rep mount on each of the faction in BFA lolz. Still trying to save enough to get at least one of the expensive mounts in the quartermasters

And thats fine with me.

I just get irritated at this really crappy whiny playerbase who feels that they are entitled to everything in the game, no matter what, when, why or how. They just think that because they are breathing, they should have everything else that those who put in extreme effort should have.

Its this attitude that is the cancer of wow. Exclusivity is a good thing for the game, because it gives players opportunities to be truly unique from other players.