They aren’t removing it, they are moving it to the BMAH. It will still be in the game but a guaranteed 5 million off a vendor it will no longer be.
You first.
They aren’t removing it, they are moving it to the BMAH. It will still be in the game but a guaranteed 5 million off a vendor it will no longer be.
You first.
Well I’d hate to know what your day job is.
That’s a strange way of saying “I’m a Blizzard shill”
I own a small business. Its humble honest work. I get it, cosmetic items are your life and the only thing you get up for in the morning.
I don’t think I’ve ever read a positive post from you. If you truely hate it this much, just go.
Well shat. It’s gonna take me at least a year to farm up the gold I need for it and I assumed I had time since it would always be waiting for me just like the other vendor mounts. And to do it in such an unerhanded manner. WTF Blizz! This is worse then when they screwed the water strider!
Yup, I’m a shill because I don’t care about items being tied to xpacs. Or store mounts, or things that are optional and have no impact on anything.
Many things about this game they could improve. But nah, lets focus on mounts. Comedy.
I’ve always said that putting in alternative methods of obtaining items from promotions only undermines promotions. Guess people finally got their way and Blizzard caved on it. Now any promotions from here on out it would be expected that it’ll get thrown up on the cash shop later.
I still don’t understand the 15th year anniversary CE. It’s like completely opposite to that of the 10 year anniversary. Guess they’re trying to pander to those who were upset over people being players from the start getting statues. But just seems backwards to expect the playerbase to buy them only to have them get scalped hard. I simply was unimpressed by it.
Wut? They did it because they make more money. It’s pretty cut and dry lol.
I know, just backwards to every anniversary in the past and at the same time, it’s a collector’s edition of what?
It would be and I’ll likely benefit from it, but just because I’ll personally benefit from it doesn’t stop this from being a scummy move.
Yeah. Let me start talking about the other issues of the game in a thread about a mount that’s getting removed that only got announced because a random player called them out on the forums.
In every thread I’ve seen you accept whatever Blizz does and mock everyone else. That’s why I see you as a shill.
Amazing lack of self awareness.
As an edgelord child, I take offense to this statement. I only complain about 90% of the decisions, not all of them.
You throw a tantrum similar to what I see when the children get picked up from school on the forums…
I forget. Adults can’t tell children to stop acting like children and behave anymore. Something about No being an evil word.
It’s damn ploy to get some whales to get some more WoW tokens I tells ya
I take two things away from it.
Good chance you’ll get it cheaper as you’ll only be competing against others who also did not have the 5 mil to spend to obtain it.
They’ll likely put in a new mount in its place next expansion that everybody will be trying to save up for to continue to drain the gold from economies.
It’s fine to disagree with people. But you just go off the deep end like Blizzard is sending you money. Blizzard could kick down your door, beat you senseless and you’d thank them as they take their leave. You’re a special kind of ignorant that I truly wish I could be too. Maybe I too could enjoy Retail no matter how bad it is…
And there are 800,000 that think limited items should be advertised from the get-go as being limited. They also think that Blizzard should have made an official announcement well before the FoS was data-mined and a poster called them out on it here in GD.
It’s not childish to expect a company like Blizzard to actually communicate with the player base.
Communications can always be improved, no doubt.
Deep end? By not following the petulant call to rant at everything I see? I guess if you say so.
Retail is enjoyable. Perfect? No. But players brought this on themselves. I used to rant and rave when I was an immature teenager. But then you grow up and realize that every change comes from some ranting feedback we’ve given.
Go back to classic. I hear the stellar community is loving it.