Getting owned in Ghostlands cool

i dont even know what the heck you are talking about tbh. you sound like you need to go outside.


they are just one many other troll wannabe gatekeepers here. Definitely need to go outside.

I believe op. There is so much hilariously bad botched crap due to the level squishes thru out the leveling lol. Do bfa dungeons to level up and compare those to others. Unless you have level 11 hunters and mages 2 shotting things thanks to how it scales have fun.

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Not to mention both retail characters in question just happen to be on A52 and return 404s when you try to look at their profiles to cross reference achievements.

What a coincidence, and a highly convenient one at that.


…and both of them have only started posting in the past day.

amazing number of coincidences!

I wake every morning asking this question. Get coffee.

Man people were being absolute #&%&@s to you in this thread OP, I’m sorry.

Basically old world scaling is so broken right now, if you sincerely care about Loremaster you may as well come back and bang out all the quests at 70. You get sorta kinda decent gold and obscure transmogs for your trouble at cap, at least.

Dare I ask how this thread has almost 150 posts?

you can also have a guild mate if your in a guild come in and just destroy it. or ask in general chat to see if someone can help

Seems people like to pile on? Once it appears to be a car accident, the rubber-neckers :eyes: Bloodlust.

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I think low level scaling there is something weird that happens with some NPCs.

Sure you can go back and complete it later but I get where you’re coming from too. Where’s the fun in going back later. You wanna get it done and feel as though you’re progressing through a zone.

Not going back and rofl stomping the npcs.

Ya I saw that…

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So I just ran out to Ghostlands on a level 20 priest. First of all, Kel’gash casts Lightning Bolt, not Chain Lightning. He was hitting me for about 77 damage, which wasn’t even enough to out-damage my Renew ticks. Maybe the scaling gets wacky at level 30? That said, there are no pillars or anything to LoS with, and he can shoot through the hut. You get this quest at like level 16-18 in classic (probably level 10 w/ Chromie time), and many (most?) classes do not have any meaningful cc, interrupts, or defensive cds at that level, so “just stack interrupts, bro” and “just pop defensives, noob” aren’t really valid suggestions.

I definitely remember the wraith mobs at the Western Sanctum having wacky scaling on the debuff, which would make the other mobs one-shot you, but I didn’t run over there to test if this is still the case.

I did notice something interesting while riding through Tranquillen. There are some undead packs that randomly assault the town, and the guards are supposed to kill them. The mobs are scaled to the level of the player (presumably, they were also level 20) and the guards are level 60 with ~40k health. A single guard should massacre all these mobs, right? Nope.

The mobs somehow managed to kill all the guards to the point where there were about a dozen undead mobs in the middle of this quest hub, lol. A guard could 1v1, maybe 1v2 these mobs, but 3+ and they were dead, even with about 20x the health of the mobs.

So I dunno if OP is telling the truth because I did this at 20, not 30, but scaling is and always has been wacky and some of the responses here have been kind of gross. The state of retail is embarrassing.

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