Getting owned in Ghostlands cool

Level 30. Attempted to solo Troll group quest (Never had problem before) His chain lightning instant one shots for over 20k damage. so If I don’t have a interrupt I am dead.

So I can’t even get loremaster for ghostlands. cool. was really pumped cause I got to come back to play and this happens. went back to bfa zones can barely stay alive against mobs there they hit like trucks. what is happening


Frankly, that’s a skill issue.


enough with the hyperbole around here. go back in 5 levels and one shot the mob, dude


when can I one shot what level

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/walks to window

It’s his achievement and he needs it NOW


i’m telling you, posting on these forums should be a privilege for some and not a right


what in the world is your problem


what is yours? other than not being able to kill a level 30 mob, somehow

uhh because it hits me for over 20k damage as a level 30?which I don’t think is normal. Ive done zone many times.


But youre 11. Give it 20 lvls?


so go back and do it later

telling blizzard their game is wrong and youll never be able to get loremaster (which makes no sense whatsoever) is very much not the way to do things

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I needed this chuckle, good thread, possible troll.

If you don’t have an interrupt, break line of sight when he starts casting. Or just do a random dungeon or BG and get a level advantage.

You level so fast nowadays and he will cap out at level 30. What even is this complaint lol


he casts through the wall

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on second reflection, this probably is a troll, i just thought the complaint was so incredibly dumb that i moved right past “obvious troll”


It does say a group quest and you’re trying to solo it. That in itself is possibly (probably) the issue?

Perhaps there is some gimmick ability or item you’re given for you use on the mob to weaken it, so it doesn’t hit like a truck?

Perhaps some sort of issue that pertains to scaling?

Perhaps this is indeed a skill issue?

I honestly don’t know as I am not super familiar with that quest (as I havent really played horde and what little horde I have played, been a long time since I was at level for ghostlands, especially with all the various number/level squishes over the years)

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Well then I guess you just aren’t good enough at the game to get loremaster, dude. Sorry.

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i have done this quest many time he never hit for 20k. this is a low level zone. can even solo it and classic too. never had issue.

Please explain how i am trolling? all I asked was a question it is bugged I guess.


Well yeah that’s because classic is easy. Retail ups the skill ceiling, and the skill floor raises with it.

You might need to practice more.

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this is quest.

i think i am the one being trolled here. I just asked simple quest on what is going on and why mobs are so hard now.


It’s probably due to the funky scaling going on since the ilvl adjustments Blizz made.

That said, it’s a group quest. Get another person to help kill it and move on. Or go back later when you’re higher level.

Don’t hold your breath for Blizz to fix it.