Getting owned in Ghostlands cool

I dont get it either, I’ve seen this kind of animosity across multiple threads today.


I am near him now. he has 7123 hp and is Elite, while mobs near him have 2035 hp.

so he’s a 5man quest boss.

Stunnable by HoJ.
Lightning bolt about 2.5sec cast.
not interruptible every time by me alone, but easy to get every other cast.

overall a perfectly fine 5man boss.

i can see him easily doable by a group of 2-3 players, if skilled.

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Since its a bug post on GD,

Players will find ways to get around it, hence all the suggestions here.

No animosity, just a bit of common sense and problem solving for a bad situation.

Please make sure yourself & OP make a thread on the Bug Report forum and help get it fixed.

Next time something like this happens check out this sub forum and ask there.

I think there are serious repercussions there for people that attempt to troll and derail threads.

You will for sure get a kinder response.

except he’s not, wowhead clearly shows 2 player requirement for both classic and retail.


Also make sure you report it in the

That way you and future players will be safe from this bug that has disrupted your ability to play the game properly.

Mmmmm… are we playing the same game ?
There are 2 possibility with this.

  1. There is no one on the map. Something possible considering it’s one of the older expansions and everyone prefers to level up doing dungeons.

  2. Even if there are people doesn’t mean they want to help.
    Whenever I create a character there are always people having duels at the giant Eversong Woods gate, but they are so busy measuring their e-peen that they don’t help anyone.


did the chain lightning bounce onto you from a higher lvl character?

bruh its a 2 man group quest, which i have soloed many times he doesnt hit for 20k.

im done now here. i regret coming here to ask about it.get a life

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I agree, you are a pretty good damn reason on why it should be a privilege not a right.

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Could you go to Dar’Khan Drathir and see how much life he has and how much damage his Shadowbolt does ?

The times I killed him was always solo and at level 22-25.
And his Shadowbolt was never a problem.

I mean, there is no way that a troll (even an Elite) can be stronger than the final boss of a zone.

for a 2man boss he’s a little tight if each lightning one-shots.

was this necessary?

you couldn’t leave on civilized terms?

had to show off your lack of manners?

are you kidding me bruh?

have i been treated that way? not really. by a couple people. Not u.

They weren’t welcomed on civilized terms why would they leave that way? LMAO

he was provided all the help needed to complete his quest.

he has insulted those who were helping him.

edit: LMAO

You won’t be able to solo that quest mob at level 30, given that the quest scales up to level 30…

In fact, all zones from vanilla and the two starting zones for both of the TBC races (meaning Eversong Woods and the Ghostlands in your case) scale all the way up to level 60.

So come back when you’re a much higher level if you want to solo it.

:rainbow: :hearts:


But did he at least TRY it? No amount of arguing about it will be relevant if he didn’t even bother trying it.
I know a lot of people won’t bother helping a newbie, but I also know a lot who would. I personally don’t mind helping if I am not busy.

counter-evidence: he completed the quest.

Blizzard retooled the whole game, same as they do every expansion. This time they made it so that pre-61 you have a narrow bandwidth of what you can and cannot do. BfA outside of ChromieTime now hits harder that Shadowlands as an example. So yes, your level 30 junk MOB from 10 months ago is now a player killer able to one shot whole parties.
Blizzard will NOT do anything about it. It’s baked into the system as part of their design by the current expac developers.
Will it change? Probably in 18 to 20 months, depending on the next expac release. Will it get better? Who knows. Not even Vegas will take those bets.
For now; your answer is simple. Find what ever way you like to level 70, grind gear for 12 months, then come back and do the 10 year old achievements. It’s the Blizzard Vision™.