Getting kicked out of BGs for trying to help (Your thoughts / experiences?)

As a veteran player I like to “lowkey” help “noobs” get an idea what to do, which usually means repeating objectives at least once or twice in-case anyone misses current objective on the /bg chat.

I personally never spam more than twice, only because as many players are in the bg, just as many ideas/strats there will be, eventually becoming a toxic chaotic situation. 40vs40 = 40 players, 40 ideas, 40 leaders = everyone running around mindlessly.

Perfect example here is epic bg - Alterac Valley.

I constantly get kicked from epic BG’s (especially when I use mercenary mode to help Alliance) for reminding people to quickly respond to objectives for a more smooth and effective turn-around which often may lead to an overall victory.

Issue is, that whenever I try to legitimately give constructive feedback during a game, besides the fact that there are 30 people arguing over each other in /bg chat, there is always 1 person who picks your name up and tells everyone to /report that player. And for some reason, people automatically report the (only) player who is trying to lead the group to victory.

Should I stop trying? Should I just be as a mindless player and run around in circles blaming everyone?

I am honor level 249, with General title and Elite PvP set, shouldn’t that itself TELL / SHOW people that I am experienced enough to give good strats? (Not that any of this makes any sense anyway…)

Your thoughts???

I do RBGs yes, so no need to say “team up with people and do rbgs”
I enjoy random bg’s, but I enjoy winning more without being kicked out



i do the same exact thing as you. also the same thing happens to me when i try to give feedback to players as well.

i would not give up, i would give your advice but after that nothing happens and no one responds you will definitely be able to tell the types of players you are dealing with so i would just call out points of interest at that point and not go into any lengthy strats or whatever.

gotta love bgs


Also quick idea to improve / fix this:

  • Maybe have a GOLDEN ORB next to your name in the Leaderboard that indicates people that you actually are a “HELPER” or “BATTLEGROUND EXPERT” so people take your calls / incs serious.

You could achieve this GOLDEN ORB by having multiple people “VOTE” for you at the end of games so that you don’t just have everyone with orbs.

Let’s say there would only be 2-3 golden orb players in each BG on each faction at any given game

This would also promote leaders working with each other and their team to strategically get a MEANINGFUL victory in 40vs40.

Wouldn’t THAT be epic?

Basically no one is going to want to listen to you in a random bg no matter how good or bad you are.


I’ve been playing since the beginning and have literally never been kicked out of a BG in thousands of games. I also don’t recall ever seeing it happen to another player outside of AFKers. Are you sure you are giving good advice and not being toxic…?

I just can’t imagine how you can piss off enough random players to get yourself “constantly” kicked from BGs. My advice would be to spend more time playing the game and less time typing.


Why do you think I put
(Not that any of this makes any sense anyway…)


If a team seems eager to actually work for the win, I find myself typing directions, encouragement, etc. a bit more. It is too tiring trying to help poor teams that just want to road fight. Few want to employ strategy to win. Most just want to do the same thing “that’s worked before and get out in 15 minutes.” There is no solution to these kinds of players. TBH, the bad players in epic BGs make the maps much less fun for me than they used to be (years ago).


Yeah, that’s exactly the issue actually, well put…

I just wish there was a chance of turning things around instead of accepting a loss…

Yeah battlegrounds have gotten less dynamic, people just give up after the first minute if it didn’t “Look” like a win.

They will be mailing out some crosswalk vests in a few weeks so some of the guys can stand out in traffic.

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How often do you hit people with the “I’m a general and I have an elite pvp set, I know what I am talking about.”

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If you are being kicked from any BG that often than it isn’t because you are trying to “Help”. Actually getting enough players in a BG to bother clicking the “Boot” button means you are doing something to really piss people off!

The way you are pushing how great you are in BGS pretty much seals that!


Well, no, I don’t piss them off besides the fact that there are 30 people arguing over the mistakes. I simply repeat the CURRENT OBJECTIVE TO OVERCOME PROBLEM which seems to trigger the already pissed off… that’s when someone says “he is spamming report him” …

I believe him, I was kicked out of an AV for telling 30ish people to stop standing in fw keep and help while they were all moaning about losing and carrying on about how much alliance sucks. Meanwhile they just let Horde easily walk back through and take everything back with no resistance. For this suggestion i had like 10 people tell me abusively to stop complaining and then was kicked. People hate being told what to do no matter how stupid the thing is they are doing, its easier to just say nothing and go stand somewhere where it looks like you are still playing but you are really watching youtube and just let them be stupid. Also ive seen op give advice in a bg i was in, he was a little gruff but not abusive which was more than understandable for what our group was doing.


How many times have you been kicked? Only asking because when I am in a BG and the players aren’t playing objectives and I tell them what to do and they aren’t listening, I become the most toxic, belligerent, profane player in the history of this game. And I’ve never once been kicked. So it makes me wonder what exactly it is you are doing.

And mind you, I’m not talking about “pro tips” here. I’m talking very simple things that I shouldn’t even have to point out; we need to control two carts to win, you have to grab the orbs when they drop, you can’t let the glaives sit there free-casting at our gates.

I’ve been told to shut up and cursed at, but never once been kicked.


Well, I got kicked out twice in a row yesterday and on my 2nd kick I decided to write this post… And normally I get kicked out at least once or whenever I try to convince people to get on objectives (Usually when I constantly join a losing fight I try to step up and lead a little). It does feel like being punished for playing the game if that makes sense.

Did you just throw your keyboard?

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Never lol I am not here to seek attention of randoms, especially not during a game. As my post says, I’d much rather win a game I can somewhat control, than lose 5 games in a row.

I often get whispers about “Where did you get that set” if that’s where you are getting at.

And I’d imagine that people reading my name will also read my title would give them a hint about “experience” ??? (because I always read other people’s titles and makes me think who fits into what category)

But that’s just me & my mindset… a little roleplay doesn’t hurt, right?

One of the challenges you will run into randoms is that a lot of people are doing it to practice, set up their keybinds, and of course, AFK and are “half playing” which I don’t generally agree with but, meh, sometimes people tend to just have that casual feeling entering a BG.

When they see some nerd going ballistic or ape in general with objectives or criticism on what they are doing, since they are half playing anyway the will simply find it engaging to find whomever is doing that annoying.

Also a lot of tunnelvisioners see a lot of text as spam.

I have never been booted out for being a dick once the game is lost though so obviously something is happening that is causing multiple individuals to want to remove you from their game :slight_smile:

You can’t fix stupid.