Getting kicked in dungeons for low DPS

No you’re a liar, it’s as simple as that.

You first said that you were kicked for low dps. 11-15k dps like you claim isnt horrible for heroics, nobody is kicking people for that. So either 1. You’re lying about it happening or 2. You’re lying about your dps.

Then once we called you out on that you said it was premades trolling. And again, there just are not enough premades out there trolling people for it to be an “Every run” issue like you said.

You’re a liar/troll goodbye.


Nah you are just punching down on people being affected by this unreasonable deserter status.

Bulk of my weekday evening runs are people doing 8-10k and it goes by fine, slow as snot, but fine. I have seen one DPS kick in the large amount of dungeons ive done and it was for literally them doing 2k in half epics.

Also this is likely the paladin you called out before for blatantly spam posting on alts and agreeing with themselves. They have like three threads up atm.


Yeah this dude is full of crap. Probably the same person who’s made the other “My healer is getting kicked” threads.


You are the type of person who unreasonably votekicks people from dungeons and calls every instance justifiable. You are the type of person that makes this system imperfect and unenjoyable.

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No, I’m the type of person who calls out BS when I see it. And that’s what your story is. BS


Even if they actually were kicked for the DPS, that would be an outlier and not the normal based on my (and others) large amount of dungeons run as tank and dps (i am trash at healing so I spare PUGs the pain of me healing).

Getting kicked happens for sure, but the 18ish or so years I’ve played this game I can count on one hand the number of “lmao get kicked trololololol” enounters and those encounters went DOWN substantially after they changed to the current system.

Tanks sitting there being blowhards about not wanting to do X dungeon waiting to be kicked. Glad that’s not a thing anymore because of the current system.

Greater access to the community at large means we will run into numerous attitudes and player types. It’s basically the same as server only, they’re just new people to meet.

I have had a few unreasonable vote kicks happen to me before. And while i do think blizzard could take some steps to prevent this, i do not think it is a huge issue.


Deserter 30 minute wait and then having to wait in DPS queue is frustrating for me.

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There is a way around this paranoia of yours over being kicked. Find two or three friends to group with. It wont always be an option, I get that, but it’s gonna help your situation imo.

Easier than coming here to complain.

I am here to point out a change or tweak is needed. This heavy handed solution to leave abuse needs to be changed a little.

Do kicks happen? yes.
Do kicks happen that are not deserved, I’d say some but not as many as some would like to think.

If you are doing 15K, 14K, 18K dps - you are not being kicked for dps.

If you are indeed actually getting kicked the “majority” of your runs, a few things come to mind that is happening.

  1. You are being disruptive, toxic or otherwise a burden to the group.
  2. You are going afk, wanting to do achivments or extra boss’ the group does not want to do (see #1)
  3. You are pulling groups/mobs or not paying attention and running into groups/mobs (see #1).
  4. You really are low on dps and you are not doing 14+K but you are under by 14K+ (see #1)
  5. This is just an entire troll thread for grins and giggles.

Given you are on an 18 posting character, I assume you are a rotating alt who is mad because they have been kicked for reasons 1 - 5 and then some. This is some narrative you are trying to push in hopes Blizzard will “fix it” for you so you can continue to be someone groups don’t want to be grouped with (see #1).


I gotta remember to use this when I am trolling.

That is an opinion you can have. The alternative to this is going back to what we had before, tanks/healers holding groups hostage until they are kicked. Which inevitably makes those 4 people wait again for a tank/healer and enables that bad behavior to continue.

Since you are an unreliable narrator here (not an insult, we just can’t verify anything you say) the responses are gonna be what they are and that’s unavoidable.

People rarely look inward when frustrated, it is possible what is fine to you in terms of discourse is not that way to others. Which may result in kicks. You could also be lying. I tend to go with you being annoyed over the kick and timer and posting here in frustration, not that the entire system is filled with people predatorily kicking people.

Ok let me give a concrete example. I am new to paladin so I was playing a ret and a holy paladin kept asking me to blessing of kings when I had already used blessing of might. From my understanding he could have just used blessing of kings himself so the group gets blessing of might and kings. After I told him can’t he just blessing of kings himself, I got kicked from the group. I whispered him and i asked him if he could just have blessing of kings the group? Why did i get kicked? He then whispered me details log of me doing 11k dps on a boss because I forgot to use my cooldowns and said my dps was too low.

Another example is my last run when the tank and group almost wiped because someone pulled the monkeys. The healer said they throw “s***t” when they are aggroed so don’t aoe and I asked they throw poo? I then got kicked and didn’t whisper to ask why, so I can only guess but I was not the one who divine stormed the monkeys and actually finished the last remaining mob to rez the entire group. From my point of view, would you agree this is frustrating and unreasonable to be kicked in these two instances?

Sadly I am going to be that guy and say that while this may be truthful, I really cannot believe a random on the internet with 100% certainty, i hope you understand.

without seeing everything, including verbatim what was said by each party involved I really can’t comment. Sounds like some potentially unreasonable people, which is gonna happen RDF or not. I would probably be glad to not deal with them for an entire dungeon based on how you portray their behavior.

The way around this is to form your own groups or have a majority premade group.

I have a serious impression of deja-vu with those threads. It’s like nobody remembers why the game was dumbed down.

If you are getting kicked from the group for low dps, then yes. I suspect there is more to this or, more likely, an alternate story we are not privy to.

Or he’s just flat out a liar and none of this ever happened. Based on his “stories” so far… I’m leaning more towards that.

First it was low dps, then it was elitist premades, now it’s because of mechanics/buffs. Crazy how it keeps changing.

This is a real possibility, it is the internet after all.