Or just stop doing whatever it is he’s doing to get himself kicked.
knowing how and when to aoe. getting hit and experise cap. know ure class
Dude is basically the wish version of Anakin. He became a jedi to slay the sith, but instead, he joined them.
Since I was kicked by random strangers on the internet, it is only right that I too start kicking random strangers who’ve done nothing wrong so I can prove a point.
What a crock of sheet, dude just mad cuz bad.
I’m not sure why people are calling you a troll, you do bring up some valid points. Maybe blizz should put the deserter buff to 15 mins in stead of 30.
“Buying carries in raid”.
-look what you’ve created blizz.
If you’re doing like 4k dps many people will assume you’re a bot, because you can do 4k dps in your mid to late 70’s.
Yes. At level 70, when you have BC crit chance and whatnot.
Do you remember your stats at level 80? Pretty dope, right?
Well, what happened at level 81?
A fresh level 85 character, hitting level 85 dungeon enemies, is much weaker than a level ~70 hitting random quest mobs.
Was this an oversight by you, or an intentional fallacy?
Well, what happened at level 81?
A fresh level 85 character, hitting level 85 dungeon enemies, is much weaker than a level ~70 hitting random quest mobs.
Was this an oversight by you, or an intentional fallacy?
My DPS on all of my toons from level 81-85 stayed up around 11-14k Some classes with good AOE significantly more than that.
The more you type, the more I think you’re just not as good as you’ve claimed to be in your other cry about getting kicked posts.
On the contrary. The more YOU type, the more we all assume you probably graduated at the top of your Navy Seals class.
I kicked someone for low dps once but it was only because the recount showed he was only autoattacking. 1.5k dps, not a single ability used. We messaged him to see what was up, and he didnt respond. We decided it was a BOT, had to be.
You can do pretty good dps in full vicious gear, especially in 5 mans with the lower hit caps. Just go lose a few hundred 2s games and get a full set.
agreed with this. Typically its people who are afk basically every trash pull or dying to every possible mechanic, over and over; almost like a bot is navigating their character.
I actually think that sometimes it is indeed a bot and not a human.
I’m wiling to provide video proof of how easy it is to get above 10k dps at lvl 81-85. I have a few alts sitting at that level right now. It’s not hard.
And if you’re getting into heroics like the OP claimed, he has at least 329 ilevel. And that’s PLENTY enough to at least do 10k dps on any dps class.
I also have a brand new… fresh 85 I just dinnged yesterday who’s first heroic at 331 item level is pulling 18k on most trash pulls, 25k on if it’s a big AOE pull, and 15k on bosses. Again… willing to stream it so you can watch how easy it is.
The OP - Personally I think he’s just a liar and he does not even play cata classic. Just read his posts, he’s changed his story no less than 6 times (not including the edits where we caught him in his lies).
You on the other hand, at least I know you play cata. I just think that you don’t tell the entire story as to why you’re getting kicked. Since you say it happens to you ALOT I personlly think you’re either toxic in chat. Or you’re so bad people think you’re afk. Since you’re healer… I’m going to have to lean toward toxic.
I’m not sure why people are calling you a troll, you do bring up some valid points
Found OP alt.
Nope. My wife was kicked multiple times just for low dps, but not a word was said about it in chat. These people today are abusing the system and destroying any sense of community.
My wife was kicked multiple times just for low fps
How low is low? The OP said he was doing 11-15k dps and getting kicked for “low dps”, that’s what I called BS on. You said yourself in another post your wife is brand new to the game and is just learning the class and trying to “figure it out”. Was she doing like 3-4k dps in heroics? If that’s the case, then she should be spending time on the target dummies in SW/Org.
I know if somebody was doing 3-4k dps in any of my heroics I would assume they were either botting, leeching, or AFK.
Basically the same.
Fact of the matter is unreasonable kicks happen especially to new characters and like I said its unreasonable.
Hmm lets see…
holy paladin kept asking me to blessing of kings when I had already used blessing of might
he could have just used blessing of kings himself so the group gets blessing of might and kings. After I told him can’t he just blessing of kings himself, I got kicked from the group
SO you wanted to be stubborn and disruptive and not just cast kings why? I’d vote kick a pally who said “I can’t cast kings” just for the simple fact that if a pally can’t cast kings I would worry he can’t press crusader strike either. You caused yourself to be kicked by making a problem out of nothing.
Another example is my last run when the tank and group almost wiped because someone pulled the monkeys. The healer said they throw “s***t” when they are aggroed so don’t aoe and I asked they throw poo?
So someone used aoe and caused a wipe when they told everyone not to aoe. Then you make a comment as if you don’t know the mechanic. A reasonable group would assume you did it after they said not to do it. You caused yourself to be kicked from that group too.
Ok let me give a concrete example
Concrete examples of why you earned yourself vote kicks. Explains why you said it happens to you constantly. You are confrontational and seem to like arguing with everything you are told instead of just following instructions. People don’t want to deal with it and remove you, I don’t blame them.
Nope. My wife was kicked multiple times just for low fps
How could they tell her frames per second?
Also hi op alt#2
I play sub rogue, it’s all I know how to play as a rogue. I have done heroic dungeons and been bottom dps. I’ve never been kicked or asked to do more dps. I do pay attention to boss mechanics and heal myself when I’m able. I find your post very hard to believe.