Getting into rated battlegrounds as a new player is dreadful

I don’t think he is rating shaming or even trying to make you feel bad. What I gather is I think you’re missing the point, even though I see how you’re just trying to help OP. People who played PvP during BC, Wrath, Cata, and maybe even MoP can count, saw the game in its very early stages and see what it could really provide when it comes to experience. There were options in the game (and largely still are options in many other games currently) to completely break the “meta” down. In some cases, even flip it completely upside down. That just doesn’t really seem to exist currently. I won’t pretend like I have a grasp on the why… though, I think the points here on the “why” are pretty accurate, honestly.

So just offering a work around, which is essentially what changing to a meta class truly is, is just suggesting that players should roll over and ask Blizz to pet their belly. It’s just accepting laziness around balancing work that would otherwise (among many other things Blizz should be doing) be providing a better and more expansive experience.

“Taking the path of least resistance” is simply lowering the value of your time and money, relative to what the PvP experience used to offer.


Why would you want to be desirable to what is mathematically the lowest common denominator? Breakthroughs happen on the fringes.

Let me explain it to you another way. You might have read a previous post I made commenting on how it’s more profitable to push people towards a month sub, a level 50 boost, and a race change than it is towards a 6 month sub, which is obviously not the average scenario, but is also something that I’m sure we can both agree spikes during content/season release cycles.

Part of the reason we’re probably not seeing many balance changes is probably because of reroll culture. Blizzard approaches this game through a series of meters and charts aiming for the optimal income. (
We can absolutely talk about how bad of a job they’re doing at reading the room on that, but that’s beside the point…)

When you see that a sizable portion of your playerbase will throw money at you for a month to play what’s “the absolute best”, thus diminishing the amount of players playing other classes, your incentive to balance things decreases. It is less resource intensive to let the game stagnate while alternating through periods of massive change than to balance it carefully and, frankly, to be generous for a moment since I haven’t been particularly charitable to the development team, it also muddies the waters and obscures the “graphs and charts” I’m talking about.

If 40% of your shamans reroll to play priest, it becomes significantly harder to track the statistics of how the shamans are doing, except to say “yep, it’s not good.” I don’t expect the quality would be much better, but if there weren’t so many incentives to reroll and more people tried to tough it out on their preferred specs, we might actually see more attempts at balancing.

Keeping a $20 bill you saw a stranger drop when you’re low on rent money can be a great thing for the individual and even morally forgivable in particularly unequal circumstances, but you’d probably rather not live in a society where everyone pockets that bill. You probably don’t want to encourage people to pocket that bill either. That’s a decision best left to the individual.

pvp in wow is incredibly hard to get into if you haven’t been on top of gearing since day 1. My pally has, 220 ilvl like 30% vers, but when i try to play my warlock ~20% vers, 200 ilvl, Even 1200 games have boom chickens and rogues with 10k+ more hp than me and quite literally one-shot me.

There are better systems, other games have them, but its beating a dead horse trying to make pvp in this game bearable.

I’m not saying you’re wrong about that, but what you’re saying is a long-term thing that might change the overall way Blizzard does things but isn’t going to benefit OP right here and now, and what I’m trying to do is help a guy who just made a post about his season not being fun because he can’t get into groups. What you’re suggesting isn’t going to fix his immediate issue.

Like I said, you and I aren’t even really disagreeing, we just aren’t discussing the same specific topic.

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Maybe I shouldn’t interject… But I’ll take a stab at some clarification. I think he is actually trying to point out that telling OP to reroll is systemically working against a long-term, sustainable approach. As in, your suggestion to OP is parallel to why the game is pretty “meta-heavy” right now, due to similar suggestions that would have come years prior to now. Because no one is fighting against it, rather just accepting a new spec, this meta issue will only compound and not improve.

You two (from my third party perspective here) are arguing somewhat related things, actually. I see some good and bad in both.

But there’s the rub. Most certainly, there are things happening in game that are more negatively impacting player opinions than the current meta. So much computing power, compounded by the lust to exploit it, metas will not easily be broken as we move forward.


Tactics is stand up guy and looks at things from other perspectives and I haven’t seen him purposely be condescending to anyone. (I think it’s just the same old x poster disagrees with whatever, so he’s been disrespected; that’s a flawed reaction based on emotion no matter how articulate someone is lol.)

I agree with Scabber in less words it sucks to conform to a meta or to whatever and give up what you truly wish to do and your desired path, but at this point, if you want to “play the game” more than “not playing the game” it’s a pretty solid tactic (No pun intended)


I have my bad moments like anyone else. Usually when I think someone is being disingenuous or I’m forum posting while sleep deprived. Lol But yeah, in this particular thread I was trying to be useful. Appreciate the kind words. :heart:

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We all do. And it’s tough considering how there are posters on here (Not on this thread) who’s primary reason isn’t anything objective, it’s just to argue and cause dissention.

There’s a massive difference though in interfacing with someone that respects the fact that you are strangers and might view things differently versus those who disagree and choose to attack the poster instead of the topic.

Inject the seemingly “random” forum moderation and you have a very challenging environment for great interaction.

Oh well bromance mode off.

Take care :slight_smile:

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Properly implemented solo rated BGs would solve so many problems.

The only real issue with solo rated BG queues is how to reward the good players who get stuck on a ton of crappy teams. I’m sure there are a few metrics within each BG that can distinguish good play from bad. And the good play can be rewarded with some rating gains (or at least not a rating loss) for the player who meets those metrics even if his bad team loses. And as you progress with rating, you are grouped with people of higher rating. Eventually, you’ll have fewer and fewer of those crappy players in your BGs.

Overall, I think it would be a better experience than what we have now. And more importantly, more people would join in.

Or worse case scenario, let people also queue in with a maximum of no more than three friends. All it really takes is 3 good players on a bad team to help win the BG.


I appreciate the suggestions. Not that you were implying this in any way, but I’m not a dummy. I have a good idea of what the meta perception is and I’m aware playing a meta class will help. I decided to go with something I enjoyed playing over something meta since leveling and gearing more than one character is a silly long time investment.

Now before people jump on me saying “Well then what did you expect”. Well I expected WoW to have a functioning ranked system that let people play the game because they paid/are paying for it. Not some archaic system that caters to the established player. My time isn’t infinite and this game already tries its hardest to eat it up with busy work. So to add to that I now have to go scrounge around for who knows how long to dig up a 10 player team? No thanks.

There is a reason most PvP games now days don’t use lfg as their primary/only queue system. The point of my post wasn’t so much asking “how can I get into rbgs” as much as “lfg systems suck, specially for unestablished players”. Just because something can work doesn’t mean it’s ideal or even good.


Fair enough. I personally wouldn’t want to rely on a queue system as my only means of gaining rating, but I do think there should be a separate RBG/arena queue (like LoL has) for non-premade people who just want to play, maybe automatically put everyone into in-game voice or something. Either or, I hope your season gets better.

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You aren’t really comprehending what Tactics is saying. Most YOLO groups will not take an Enhance Shaman, when they can take an Arms Warrior, Frost DK, Rogue, or Ret.

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It’s just bad game design to design a system that forces someone to play a spec that they don’t want to play. But Scabber has it nailed. They aren’t designing the game to be good, they are designing it to drive microtransactions and “game services” purchases.

It used to be “will this be fun for the players?” Now, it’s “what’s the cost benefit analysis of this system design?”


It highly annoys me when the gear level requirement is higher then the rating they are trying to achieve. Like a 1400 push group requiring more then 200 or a 1600 group requiring more then 209, etc


Just gotta make your own man. It’s all about the wording of the post.

It needs to be something like this:
“Glad alt Rbgs 200ilvl required”

Then DONT invite anyone under 210 ILVL and only take “meta” specs. Also, queue ASAP before they find out you’re a fraud.


I suspect most decent players look up RL info before apping to their group.

Two possible fixes,

  1. Let people upgrade their gears without rating limit. Not 207 at 1400 etc; make high rating rewards are exclusive titles, appearance, weapon transmog or illusions etc.
  2. Normalize gears in rated. Don’t let 2200+ have any gear advantages over low rating yolo guys.

And another more complecated fix, stop the nonsense that “we (Bliz) want you customers experience all our content”. If this can be fixed, you wont’ see PVEers forced to queue PVP and you don’t have to leave BG, grinding Mythic+ for some gears.

I wouldn’t mind a ilvl 220+ E Shaman in a yolo group pushing cr500. Gear gap ruins the game.

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LFG for Raids is full of either spam for paid carries or “Chill heroic NA lf dps, iLvl 210+ link AOTC”. M+ is even worse because of RIO.

This is the main argument for solo queue. People want to spend their time playing the game, not waiting to play the game.


Gear should scale with average mmr, so if 233 wep ques to carry at 1600 then its 216 weapon and gear.
Solo que implemented.
Fast small adjustment patches implemented.

But this would be amazing other game, WOW isn’t.
Its unbalanced and without pvp care.

You either re-roll or find another game.
At this time DEV team is probably struggling with layoffs CEO needed massive bonus.

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