Getting into rated battlegrounds as a new player is dreadful

I should preface this with me being a new player. I spent 5 hours last night just trying to find/form groups, got 3 games and no wins. In comparison I then tried some 2s, found a guy much lower ilvl than me who just started playing again. Had about 20 games in 2 hours, 10 wins.

It seems with rated bgs the real game is the waiting game. Unless you’re an established player finding a group to join its rough. Then if you do find a group, after a stupid long time searching, chances are if you lose everyone will leave and you get to start over. Same when forming a group you just have the added benefit of people whispering you about the people you choose. I was told to join “yolo” groups but usually they’re the exact same thing as “non-yolo” groups or they have people just loading up 10 dps.

All in all idk why people would play this mode as a solo player. Dont get me wrong, I enjoy the actual gameplay but it’s so painful to try to get into one. This isn’t my first rodeo either, Im pretty much exclusively a player of PvP games. I’ve never had a PvP experience try so hard to make me give up on it.


1400 pushing, link 2k+ and have 142% vers or no invite.


I refuse to say my vers. I get whispers asking and my response is always “does it matter?”. If they reject me oh well, but most don’t. :slight_smile:

Yeah, not sure how this feels. Sorry it’s rough for newer players.


^ Yes, basically this. “Just a chill yolo group…but send over a copy of your doctorates degree”


There was a whole thread on Yolo groups and their outrageous demands that make them not so YOLO. It’s tough, i highly recommend trying to find a pvp guild and looking into communities as well. They can help ease some of this pain.

Not really. They are CR slaves who shoot themselves in the foot as well. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

So the system in place for rated it is so broken that I have to turn to outside sources to actually get an enjoyable experience? Thats a little bonkers…

yes, but it’s broken because people stink. Most of the LFG issues are created by people. Blizz could update it and help it out, but we are the ones that put YOLO and than a 1M restrictions.

Yolo 1/3/6
must link 3k xp, 226 ilvl only, no mains, long forming time due to specific groups, must win now.

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Guilds and in-game communities aren’t exactly outside sources. If you find a consistent team with a mutual interest in climbing, it’s a way better bet than signing up through the premade finder since rated content isn’t exactly designed to be PuGed (even though it’s very much doable). You might have a better time looking for a team of regulars looking to meet the same goal.

I empathize though, I’m trying to get back into RBGs after 8 years and most of the listings on the premade finder have been a slog. 2k+ required for YOLOs, 2k alts only, link vers/cr/xp blah. I get why people do it, it’s just tough mid season to find much - especially on alliance.

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I really have not had this experience. I get accepted to any yolo group, but I’m sorta picky about the ones I will join now, because a lot are really bad.

You’re running enhance and trying to RBG. Go ele or resto (pref resto since you have no prior xp, groups will usually make exceptions for roles that are harder to fill–there’s going to be 10 ranged DPS apping for every 1 healer) and you’ll get into groups more often. Inviting an enhance to a group when you could have an arms, ret, or frost instead just isn’t a good composition move right now.

And to go ahead and answer any not everyone wants to play meta responses. Unless you’ve got some xp to link, if you aren’t playing meta, you’re going to have a tough time getting into groups. Don’t handicap the guy by coddling him instead of trying to help him, he wants to do ranked, not sit on the forums complaining that he can’t do ranked.

Also, I had to suffer through yolo groups earlier this season myself, but start getting into groups that are using Discord as soon as possible. The difference with communication is night and day.


Encouraging someone to only play the meta is asking someone to commit to being a midwit who glamorizes their adherence to the literal average, my dude.
The issue with "playing the meta’ is the meta isn’t even well formed, it’s just supported by strongly held opinions. Influencer culture impacted gaming as hard as it did the rest of society.

It’s easier to push to 2100 in early morning yolos as an off-meta than it is to convince the average duelist-wall chud to take an off-meta. That’s pretty cringe, sociologically speaking.


Like I said. He’s going to have a bad time trying to play enhance in RBGs right now. If you’re saying I’m wrong, we could sample his post in general as evidence to support the contrary. You don’t have to like the situation, but I’m giving him useful advice.


when people look to fill spots in LFG for Raids do people reeee about the same thing?

You’re being condescending to a player that’s likely pvped longer than you have and is well aware he can play other specs.
The game isn’t in a great shape in terms of groupfinding or balance, a lot of it for deeply philosophical design reasons (social structure in shared online spaces vs lobbies, to name one thing, things that have changed drastically in the last decade)

Let people rant and say their piece about it. The devs do in fact read these forums, they just say they don’t for largely legal/Intellectual Property reasons.

Trying to stifle people by suggesting they conform to the meta and just shut up doesn’t earn you any favor with anybody, and generally comes across as concern trolling. You might not even realize you’re doing it, because I get the impression you’re doing your best to fit in with the vernacular and ‘vibe’ of the most frequently seen posters, and I understand the social motivators in why people do things like that and how subconcious it often is.

You’re turning yourself into a very prominent stereotype of a first season duelist, and that’s not something you wanna be known for.


I think Tactics is just trying to say is ‘If you’re having trouble getting invites, consider taking the line of least resistance.’


I have 40 games played this season and averaged an hour of waiting per game, I feel you. I’m done with rbgs forever unless you can queue, don’t care if I get 10,000 conquest per win.

and I’m saying to be careful with that attitude if you want a community to queue with.
The true path of least resistance is that most people simply stop playing when they stop having fun. They don’t feel they need to fotm to prove things to people. Some of the ones doing the rerolling on the other hand…

something-something time is a flat circle :upside_down_face:

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Cool, you have your view, so does Tactics, and so do I, and so does everyone else.
People just need to remember to be careful with the attitude that other perspectives are wrong…
I do agree, class/spec balance need a LOT of work. We’ve just got to deal with the game in its current form, which is less than ideal.

I don’t think anyone suggested they need to prove anything to anyone.

Seems a bit like cutting off your nose to spite your face imo, but that’s their choice I guess.

The way I see it, there are three basic options(more if you want to elaborate, but I don’t)… play what you want even if that means waiting for invites, play something more meta if you want easier invites, or stop playing, like you said.
But if someone is finding it hard to get groups on X spec, and still want to play that spec, they could always start a group themselves or find a guild/group that isn’t so meta orientated, as these do exist(just rarely in LFG). Otherwise playing a more ‘accepted/invitable spec’ might streamline their experience.
I’m not saying either option is right or wrong, but there ARE options, and it’s completely up to the individual.


I’m fine with that, I guess. I’ve got toons at 2168, 1886, 1650, and 1450 atm. It’s been a good first season so far, IMO. I’ve got a lot of btags, joined a few good pvp guilds on different toons, and am on several discords, in addition to having achievements to link. I also have improved substantially as a player, and have learned a lot (though I still have tons more to learn). So I can’t imagine I won’t be able to successfully PVP in season 2 if I want to, but there’s always the possibility I’ll be hard stuck sub 1400 and am the worst player who has ever logged into the game. Time will tell.

But the upside is I don’t tie my ego into rating. I’m hoping to condense my 4 toons into 2 next season and put a lot more time into getting better at arena, as well as pushing harder in RBG instead of making new tooms to get into games faster. Maybe after a few seasons are under my belt I won’t have my rating/time played be brought into question when I comment on things where I’m not even bringing my, or anyone else’s rating up.


You’re being condescending to a player that’s likely pvped longer than you have and is well aware he can play other specs.

Also, at no point was I being condescending. You’re just finding it offensive that I’m not conceding to you (apparently based on your 10 years of experience versus my 3/4 of a season). You don’t need 10 years of PVP experience to know healers get into groups faster than DPS, especially off-meta DPS. You and I aren’t even arguing the same point, you have a problem with meta existing and I’m trying to help OP get into more groups. While your overall gaming experience may benefit from enough people quitting until Blizzard balances every class, his season is going to suffer if he doesn’t do something to make himself more desirable.