Getting disconnect after using a flight path

Its weird I only have this issue on my Demon Hunter, I havent had it on any other characters

It “appears” to mimick the Kyrian Portal affect of moving super fast after using a portal. I’m disconnecting on Kyrian characters (both Kyrian horde/alliance).

This is happening today on my DH too. Really annoying

It is really pathetic that this is still happening. Learn how to regression test Blizzard.

Yep, same issue here. Only happening on my DH as far as I can tell.

Any fix yet? Getting more and more frustrating.

Hey all,

Not much of an update (apologies) but did want to chime in and confirm that a fix is still being worked on for this issue.

Dismounting before taking the flight path should prevent it. Or after landing mount up/dismount before moving.


HOW is this still an issue? Fly from one zone to another and get DC’d because I didnt do a work around. This is nuts. Been playing this game since the beginning and I have never seen such a nuisance bug take this long to fix. I get it there is a lot for you guys to get done on a new patch. But I do see this high up on the priority. Every time this happens I just stop playing and try again the next day because its so frustrating. A couple days of issues…I get it. Now this is weeks of it. PLEASE get this fixed.

I am also disconnecting right when i land after every flight path on my demon hunter

Same for me as well ONLY on my DH

Same issue for me only on my Demon Hunter.

Very weird how it mainly occurs on DH. It really sucks.

blue confirmed its an issue 10 days ago. hang tight, could take a while

Currently playing DH and it happens every time i take a flight path so damned annoying. This has been happening for over a week and based on conversations it is way worse for DH which truly sucks, any word on the hotfix?

I’m experiencing this on my Kyrian demon hunter as well. Super annoying. Glad to know I’m not alone though. It seems to not happen on my other characters. I’m seeing it in any shadowlands zone.

Myself and every Dh friend I have asked is having this issue as well. Sometimes I can mount up and not dc. Other times i dc the second I land at the Fp without a chance to even mount. It’s been weeks. Where is the fix Blizzard?

Thanks for the update! We all look forward to less D/Cs! :slight_smile:

Another DH here so sometimes it does it sometimes it doesn’t, I recently moved wow off an SSD to an HD, as I didn’t have enough space on my SSD for the 9.1 update, so I thought that was the issue. Anyways I would usually log in Korthia, so I could just use the port to orb to go to my Cov, last night I logged in Orb and when I flew to the first flight path I didn’t get Dc’d (I would always dc’d there). I read someone talk about a speed boost, would the mount equipment “Light-Step Hoof plates” be causing this maybe I use them on all toon. I’d like to add I am also Venthyr and my soulbind is General Draven, and I use Expedition leader which gives a 10% mounted speed buff.

Yep only happening on my DH also. might get fix by 9.2?!?!?

Happening to me only on my demon hunter also. Sad!