Getting destro nerfed

This just isn’t true. In previous times pvp participation surpassed people clearing raids.
As well as the rts games were literally built off the idea of war between 2 factions.

As well mobas grew from SC and WC3

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You are right its not true… and we know this from our Robust PvP Development team and their hasty responses to community issues…oh…wait.

I made myself sad.

Ion :poop:ing the bed and killing pvp doesn’t mean pvp was a minigame.

We have all figured out Ion is a complete dragonslayer and nothing else.


I mean hell look at vanilla and bc. More people had pvp gear than cleared naxx, more people got to challenger than cleared bt or sunwell.
Cata more people did rbgs than cleared heroic raids.

Pvp carried this game after wrath.


Every class needs to be stripped to the bare minimum so that casuals can enjoy not getting absolutely demolished by extremely skilled players in the name of inclusion. I wish the focus returned to player enjoyment instead of metrics. Maybe then we could see PvP coming back to life, but Activision is never going to allow that to happen.

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They already did that… we lot a lot of abilities.

AKA We didnt see people using the ability so we removed it.

Or are you talking of a 4 button style of play lol.

I may have worded that poorly, but my first sentence was actually a critique. I hate that we are all stripped of our abilities.

I mean, I play a DH because I love PvEing with this guy since I actually like doing almost every kind of content with the same character, but I’m not exactly enjoying PvPing with him because everything is just so one-dimensional. I wish there was more complexity to this class and so many others.

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Purple text. Not reading. Nerf Locks.



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I would like to state that they won’t be nerfed. How I know?

The most recent statement about warlocks having their mana fixed for raid encounters.

The devs go on to say “we know warlocks are dominant in pvp” etc etc. But I don’t believe they will do any major changes before shadowlands. That’s just how I feel from the evidence I have seen to date.

we did it!

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Took you long enough :smirk:

had to topple the beast. i decided to get a job a blizz and nerf them myself

You’ve done it. Thank you.

we fought the good fight my friend. so this is what watching the death star explode feels like


What took you so long? :slight_smile:

(When will more be coming?)

Csnt wait for the QQ about rogue/mage. I couldnt care less about lock nerfs tbh.

I am looking forward to whats coming however.

this man deserves his own NPC in the game and his own Title that only he can use.

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Can you make rogue, mage, and DH alts now? And also make sure to equip your DH with lash of the void weapons and Dres trinket.

K thanks :joy::+1:


god bless you good sir

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