Getting destro nerfed

You should be more considerate Maladath. He might have a family…

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Yeah idk why people got so mad about saying your bad at a spec. Like I’m an awful ele shaman, like worse than Hellizone is at destro, but whatever.

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Bruh gets told he’s bad at a video game and then proceeds to call him a bad human being. And his reasoning is “he is insulted me first!!!” Bruh if you think being called bad a video game is in insult. YOU are the one that needs to grow up. Grow some thick skin. You kids wouldn’t last in a 2012 call of duty lobby

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Halo 2. So many kids know my mom…

Idk bro Hellizone’s mom gives the best dome ik

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the sloppy toppy ?

THE sloppiest

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Its how he uses it in an argument. Saying someone sucks at something while arguing with them is putting fuel on the wrong fire. It IS an insult regardless of whether i care or not. Its qhen you use it to lash out in anger in an argument that doesnt require it. Thats the issue.

Man i feel like im talking to teenagers here seriously some of you people lack serious social skills

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Nah man can’t agree with you there. You just need to grow a pair

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The irony.

If you think I was angry, that’s pretty telling of your personality.

Getting angry in a videogame forum over being called bad at said videogame lmao

It’s like playing Eddy Gordo in Tekken 3 and getting called a noob for mashing X + O and succeeding. Destro is easy mode, no matter how much you try to deny it.


Serious question

Why do you care if the community voices about Destro?

Its S-Tier strength… has a boatload of viable comps and collectively (Even high rated warlock mains) agree its over-tuned.

Enjoy it while you can get some rating in this insanely inflated season and understand that when it gets balanced you might have a reality dose that you aren’t as good as you thought you might have been.

Until that time or a nerf… just play.

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Not the hero we deserve, but the hero we need.

It’s kinda like how lots of demon hunter think they are way better then they actually are. It’s kinda funny cause hell says they aren’t over powered because he him self can’t get past 1600. Pretty much everyone has told him it’s not the class it’s him, but he won’t listen so he’ll never get any better. There’s a reason mage/lock x won all 4 cups hosted by blizzard

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I mean don’t get me wrong… c9 is far better at mage lock then a lot of mage locks.

It happens when you have 2 very S-tier Specs with a S-Tier healer but all of that aside I just hope that he focuses on the game so Slands does not break him.

Most Classes/Specs get a season or two of insanity… its destro today… its been plenty of classes/specs in the past… is what it is.

Yeah c9 is a world class that’s for sure. Wealthy man is a beast. Hell I watch them play to get better lol. I wonder what class will be the dominant one next season. Since DH and lock and getting knocked down a peg I wonder who’s next.

thats all fine and well about each spec getting their turn except destro has been like this most of BFA and the last 2 seasons of legion. it clearly has some design flaws. and some classes havent had their turn in a long long time. having “turns” at grossly overtuned should never be an excuse for poor game balance

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I agree. Tbh I feel like ALOT of warlocks are forced to play destro because the other specs suck so bad, I know I would rather play affliction on mine, but its just not viable.

I think you saw purple and missed the point…

I didn’t say we should “Have turns at being grossly overtuned” I said… it just happens because of poor tuning but its been happening since vanilla because arena and pvp is a mini game in WoW.

Every class has had a turn at some point this xpac perhaps not to the strength of current destro… but not every spec.

Which is extremely sad since Blizzard implemented a system that allows them for tuning PvP separate from PvE, but it seems they just refuse to make good use of it.

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