Getting destro nerfed

The cool thing about this game is that theres like 5 super OP specs ATM. i bet a lot of locks r gonna reroll mage/rogue/dh TBH

the sun rises on a grateful universe

R1 use of your curse.

carefully, heā€™s a hero


Do firemage next and Iā€™ll buy you a beer.

Thank you for your service.

Breaking news: Destro locks are still OP after the nerfs. :woman_shrugging:t3:

To be completely fair though, Destro was absurd, even if itā€™s not the only strong spec atm. It still is busted though, just to a lesser extent.

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back to the pile gents these nerfs didnt do jack

They slowed the spec down a bit. Nothing major but enough for destros to notice it some what

Sure bad destros.



I come back to you now at the turn of the tide


I have prayed daily for your return to set us free from these fel bonds

Been in the lab with a pen and a pad but ive returned in our darkest hour