Getting a third dwarf race, oh boy

Er… I don’t recall Stormwind being a dwarven kingdom…

I already miss the snakes…

And the rest of the game…

Yay for “World of the latest patch”

Carrosh, please remind me again, just HOW many Elven races there are ingame now?

  • High Elves
  • Night Elves
  • Highborne Elves (subtle variation of the Night Elves)
  • Nightborne Elves
  • Void Elves
  • Blood Elves
  • Darkfallen Elves
  • Half Elves (Arator the Redeemer)

naga would wipe the floor with other allied races but they are a horde ally, so alliance would only have access if the naga decided it wasnt our fault that mean lordaeron dude, garithos, tried to genocide the blood elves

yes please. hehe

Okay… and? Are we pretending I wanted more elf recolors instead of new races and models?

ethereals maybe?

Get Rid of New Dwarf Race. Get Rid of New Dwarf Race. Get Rid of New Dwarf Race.
Throws Burning Incense, holds up a cross to ward off evil.


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I mean, humans are kinda ‘boring dwarves’, right?

That would actually be awesome and very much unique, and they would fit well with nightelves too.
But feels like a full new race more than allied race.

I’m gonna make my Earthen a Horde Shaman.

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Dang, don’t give them ideas. “Hey Ted, take those scuffed zombies and strip the meat off and let’s make them skeletons. We’ll call them the Forgotten.”

Highbron nightelves and nightelves are literaly the same race, that’s like saying the sentinals and druids are a different race, no, it’s jsut a seperate group of the same race.

Darkfallen, highelves and half elves are also not really playable, though debatably you could just make one with customisations… But if you want to take that route…


  • Stormwinders
  • kul’tirans
  • Gilneans
  • Kirin’tor
  • Stromgarders
  • Watelanders
  • Forsaken
  • Half Elves (Arator the Redeemer)

So, what was you point about elves again? Because every single species can be divided into multiple ‘races’ like that.

Forsaken are humans. So, four human races.

But thats the point, a race that allies with you. Is it not?

The Botani fled into the Barren with some Saberon when we saved the Mag’har so I’m sure that’s a rightful mess already right now. Either they withered in the heat or they made another Everbloom in the small oases.

the botani would make a great druidic race.


I’m still dreaming of playable Vrykul. Or at least a body type for Humans/Kul Tirans that resembles them.


Better than a 5th Elf

Don’t forget all the orc races:

  • Green
  • Yellow
  • Red

Holy crap! I never noticed this: Orcs are TRAFFIC LIGHTS.