Getting a third dwarf race, oh boy

I’m definitely going to whip one up in character creator to see what the customizations look like then never make one.

Of all the requested races over the years… I have no clue how this one made the final cut. Tinfoil hat says they weren’t actually planning on anymore AR then decided they needed something last minute to push WWI. I guess dwarves were just the easiest model to copy/paste…


Yay more booze to share


I wanted Sethrak with a hint of Mesopatamian, Indus and ancient Egyptian cultures influences thrown in here and there.


I’d settle for literally any new race that is not a reskin at this point. Did all the developers who created new character rigging animation get fired or what?


Was a bit of a head-scratcher but … whatever. Happy for those that are excited. I’m hoping for the Arathi with some cool Holy Fire racials and customizations, maybe even one of those new Nerubians.


All none of them?


The heritage seems neat. Kinda bothered the tones resemble dark irons. :robot::thought_balloon:

…kinda of concerning the promos also make them resemble dark irons. Maybe we’ll get a blackrock mountain like dungeon? :mag::robot:


I don’t mind that part, that was the whole point of allied races, less effort so we get more content… But that argument goes out the window when all we get is ONE allied race shared between both factions. There’s no excuse for that.


So that puts us at 4 elven races, 3 human races, 3 dwarven races, 2 Orcs, 2 Tauren, etc

Looks like the forsaken are due a clone race.


Except for Vulpera, all the allied races were a disappointment to me. They could have just added them as customizations.

Because of the game’s now-massive use of debuffs everywhere, Stoneform/Fireblood are, by far, the most powerful racials in the game’s entire history.

Tons of people are flipping over to Alliance JUST to play a dwarf for their OP racials. You look at the top M+ players, unless they’re a druid or an evoker, they’re a Dwarf.

So either nerf the racials to the ground, or give the Horde an equivalent. Blizzard’s going with the latter.

Yes, it’s sad the choice announced for warthin. Bafoth had more and better allied races, at least for the Horde.

Earthens just drink sand, though. :crying_cat_face:


That brings a whole new meaning to “on the rocks” haha!



This thread made by a Mag’har Orc, a very unpopular Allied Race option. :+1:

Jokes aside more allied races is just good in general, especially as neutral cross-faction options. It means they’re probably still open to adding more in the future.

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I’m just hoping this either means we get a neutral primordial Troll race or Neutral Taunka or better yet, Mogu.

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I’m looking forward to Earthern. I’d rather see more dwarf races than derp lizards or elves.


Disagree here, there are definitly some that should ahve just been customisation options.

Light forged Draenei outright should be a customisation, the unlock quest even goes through a quest following a Draenei as he becomes one, exacly like the nightwarrior skin/eyes unlock quest for nightelves. Lightforge should have been a cosmetic unlock, and broken draenei should have been the allied race.

Highmountain I can go two ways on, because visually the only real difference is the horns, which could be a customisation, but culturally they are vastly different, and do atleast -feel- like a different race.

Void elves, outright shouldn’t even exist… Sorry to void elf fans, but they were such a mistake… If anything, they should have gave alliance high elves, then added void elves in as a story progression/customisation unlock for the high elves.

Dark Iron should ahve been customisations… The Dark iron faction leader was literaly one of the council that leads the dwarves, they were allready the same race just like wildhammer dwarves. Adding wildhammer as a cosmetion but dark iron as a allied race is a really wierd move.

Vulpera, Kul’tiran’s, Zandalari and Nightborne are all fine.

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agreed, those Bafoth and Lgin races are awesome