Get Your Trading Post Items for February!

Should have been 1k to be honest i got 1k from mine.

Mine isnt working on any character. no NPC nowhere to loot from cache. Quest is populating but nothing.

Brutosaur at 500? When the current shop mount at 20 USD is 950? It was a 5mil gold mount. If they did put it on it would have to be a few thousand tender


Strange, I originally logged in on this character (who didn’t complete it), then on the one who did and it updated.

I picked up 400 tenders from chest, but it didn’t add to the currency tab. Also what’s the max amount of tenders you can possibly get this month?

I started it with this Hunter. I have ‘Gunninarrows’ but I did most of the missions on my Druid and Paladin. So I guess I have to do other missions I haven’t done with my Hunter for the ‘Trading Post’. That sucks donkey coconuts. I’d rather Activision Blizzard just fixed it all. And have it to where any of your characters can pick up the Collector’s Cache for the tenders (money for trading post).

Suppose to be 1k for this month bonus 500 as a thank you bro just a fyi.

Remember when we used to get like 7-9 raids an expansion…yeah, me too.

Yeah it’s sad some people can’t take a few mins to actually read what some of the tasks are.


Got my monthly 1000 points and go to collect my mount all the points zero out says I got all I can for the month but no mount… This repeats itself on every character. Relogged still nothing.


Did the Siege, no credit in Traveler’s Log. Got 250 points, and apparently you should then get 100 Tenders for it, and it shows a checkmark on that box in the Traveler’s Log, but I didn’t get any Tenders.

It’s difficult to be excited for new content when it invariably arrives bugged and broken, and then there are innumerable extra maintenance downtimes to fix it.

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Will definetly check it out. Now that the trading post is out, patch is out how about the update on the love is in the air mount drop rate update promised last year?

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i did them too fast now i dont have anything to do … and sad i cant get them all. :frowning: oh well. at least i have the pet and 2 mounts. i kinda want the flail too. also its account based so i cant do it on an alt. lol

Blizzard don’t change the trading post ignore the crybabies we casual players like it the way it is.


My currency is capped at 2k

I thought this was really fun. Something to look forward to every month. Made just playing the game more interesting to see the little TP achievements pop up now and then.

I do wish there were tiers to the monthly goal. Like if you hit the monthly goal early there’s another tier after that you could work towards by doing additional stuff. I capped the monthly goal in 1 day and I only purposely tried to do 2 of the tasks. The rest were achieved just by playing - which was super cool don’t get me wrong! but I’m a bit disappointed it’s over so quickly.

Did you go to the trading post chest to loot your tender?

Yes, I did all of that. I had 1500 after the quest and looting the chest, but didn’t get another 100 like the Traveler’s Log indicated I should get.

Edit: Wait, do you mean that I have to go to the chest to get that 100?
That’s weird.

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So many complaining about basically free shxt


This is the dumbest thing in the world.

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