You done fu**ed up.
Reports are coming in of people doing this new quest, getting this new half spark, and still having 1.5 half sparks.
Seems like the quest is eating your half spark to give you a half spark in return instead of eating your half spark to give you 2 half sparks in return.
F*** me can you not get anything right?
Classic Blizzard, if true.
If this happened to some people it doesn’t happen all the time. I successfully got the 2nd half on multiple characters on characters who already had a half.
Still missing a spark. Awesome job guys.
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So I can’t seem to be able to get this. I didn’t turn in the half-spark quest previously and I didn’t get my half-spark from the Titan Disc Fragment quest, so I’m perpetually stuck with one full-spark.
Did anyone else here have this issue? I’d REALLY like to upgrade these 636 bracers right now.
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I got my spark from the quest but the other sparks aren’t dropping now did 3 weekly chest thingies and still no 2nd spark fragment?
am I doing the wrong weekly thing?(I don’t pay attention during these kinda of chores just do quest get box open box)
My husband is still stuck on 1.5 full sparks while others are rocking a 2H weapon after this free spark giveaway.
He’s done everything from Pinnacle caches, PVP quests (sparks of war), world bosses, all weeklys ETC and still can’t get it.
There is something wrong even before this exploit debacle happened (including reports of how this new free spark giveaway can still mess stuff up). But yea, we’re still missing a half spark from the original method.
Let me know if anyone else is in this same boat.
Edit: He’s also done the titan discs to no avail. We both have done the exact same quests at the same time and I recieved mine and he still hasn’t recieved it. I think it’s a bug (plus GM’s aren’t helping, they are saying to just file a bug report and leave it at that).
I had 4, got my myth crafted staff made today.
I’ve gotten 4 so far, I think people are doing something wrong. I don’t really play that much tbh.
I am. Its pretty crappy feeling.
Problem is, this isn’t a win if you already used your first Spark in some cases.
I used my first Spark this week but forgot to turn in A Sparkling Fortune (the quest that gives you the other half of your first Spark) and now I literally cannot craft the second 675 item I’m supposed to get.
I did use my first spark
Now I got 1 full spark in my bags.
psure most ppl didn’t do the new spark intro quest on the affected toons so they gotta do that , which will give them 1 full and then the free half.
I say this cuz thats what going on for my hunter.
I never did the new spark intro so she still had it in her quests. I can go finish it, and get the free half a spark from today, but she’s going to be a half spark behind cuz I didn’t play her enough to finish that quest and turn it in before this weeks reset.
So she didn’t get this weeks half spark to begin with.
Had I played her and finished that quest before reset I would have been able to get this weeks half spark and today’s freebie half spark.
Unless you’re in a race to hit gear break points, why does this even matter.
The FOMO is cringe as hell.
You guys locked this behind the “A Sparkling Fortune” quest which means those who already used their first spark but didn’t turn in this quest, can’t get the second spark.
My monk has 1 completed spark and the quest to give me 2 fractured sparks but I can’t get a fractured spark to turn in.
But even then, even if I could, I still would be 1 fractured spark behind. You guys didn’t actually fix it for everyone.
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I would save my first spark for 2H weapon if I knew I could get 2nd spark this week. You should let us REFUND first SPARK and CRESTS to craft our 2H weapon, or this compensation is not fair for all of us but a huge advantage for those haven’t used their 1st spark cuz they have very strong 2H weapon right now!
Sadly I don’t have the crests to really utilize the Spark this week, I’d have to see how high a raw ilvl trinket is (This Turbo-Drain 5000 is pretty stinky), but it’s nice that folks aren’t left in the dust.
I know the best solution was that the exploit wasn’t possible at all, but I think this is the best that can be done given the circumstances.
Wasn’t expecting this but this was cool. Honestly I don’t see all the rage. If you used your spark at this point well /shrug you can only do so much here. Anyone thinking “Exploit early and often” is advocated… well I just have nothing to say…exploits happen, they aren’t 100% avoidable.
Am I wrong in thinking this was probably done mostly to level the RTWF field? There was probably a non-zero number of people who did that.
Maybe they can stretch the race out and everybody will get another out of it because anybody who already had 2 now has 2.5 and will have 3 Sparks on reset.
Nobody at the RWF level did this as the bug explicitly required you to have not acquired your first spark in week 1.