Get Your Sparks of Fortunes — March 14

Now increase the weekly crest cap since this is effectively useless for those of us that spent their crests to upgrade their gear since there was no word that we’d get a second spark this week.

What was the point of this??

Hurray! Now I can make 2h weapons for my casters.


BOO start banning exploiters

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So… now that we’re thinking this through, can we get an advance on next week’s crest cap so that we can actually use the shiny new spark?

So what do we do if we only have 3 fractured sparks? Aren’t we supposed to have 4 now?

remember, exploit early and exploit often!

Safe bet to say a ban wave is coming before reset, if they responded to it in this manner.

I also only have 3 sparks? I’ve done all my weekly quests too >.>

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I only have 1 spark. I did the quest this week to get half and used my half last week to make a full spark to use up my valor stones since I was capped. This is my alt so I didn’t turn in the spark quest. Because of this I can’t complete the “A Sparking Fortune” quest which means I don’t have the quest to get the half spark from this hotfix.

How do I get this fixed so I can get two sparks to make a weapon?

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I got my crafted S1 2H axe recrafted to 675. Big W from Blizz.

So when’s the next spark? Next week (the original rotation) or 2 weeks from now?

Could we get a schedule of when we’ll get sparks, and when we’ll get catalyst charges?

We’ll get another HALF in 3 days, normal rotation.

Which means in my case, where I made a simple mistake and wasted a Spark, I now have to wait 2 weeks. ;(


Can I ask a question? How was the Spark being exploited?

Just the obvious: it shouldn’t have been possible to have 2 whole Sparks and … ppl did. Obvious exploit is obvious.

So kinda like the “Evokers unlocked all Panda world rare bosses … so now we’ll just give them away”, Blizz seems to have chosen to “since some ppl got an extra half Spark… we’ll give everyone a half-spark.”

I don’t think the word exploit really applies. It was just that people who turned the quest in the first week were behind by a fragment because the people who waited to create a full spark from 2 drops then got a complete spark from turning in the quest I think.

The question is: how did people get it? How is it an exploit? I don’t honestly know how they were getting this.

Oh… I see. Yeah, I agree. Probably not really so much of an exploit. You can’t really fault them for what a quest gave them. But I guess if they kept getting that on alts or something, that might be why others are upset.

I dunno. The only thing I have on my alt is one half. I haven’t even finished the quest and there’s nothing else he can get, I guess, until I do.

People who waited to turn it in got a second half of a spark from the quest that awards you a half for a half, or something I think

Oh I mean… I dunno. I don’t normally how ask HOW the exploit was done. That treads into some grey area, sometimes, ya know? :slight_smile:

You should have been able to get another half this week if you got one last week. I didn’t get mine on some of my characters until their 4th pinnacle chest.

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