Get Your Sparks of Fortunes — March 14

Good choice to give everyone a free one instead of removing the others.

Good on ya Blizz.

Blizz has the data, they could very easily make the adjustment to award everyone the same amount of sparks before the next reset. They should be mailed immediately.

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Yeah they have the ability, let’s see if they’re interested in “fairness.”

Either way I’m fine I used the extra half to get two handed weapons on my characters


Same, no complaints on my end lol.

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I don’t even understand this nitpick as it seems as they’re giving this out due to unexpected maintenance that everyone always complains about not being compensated for in any way, like they didn’t plan on giving out this fractured spark so obviously they wouldn’t have said as such prior.

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It’s not because of maintenance, it’s because some people turned the quest in this week instead of last week and ended up with 2 full sparks instead of 1.5

But yeah they didn’t plan this so there was no way for them to give warning, it does stink if you got a belt for example instead of waiting for your two handed, and now you could have gotten the two handed but in a couple weeks it’s moot anyways

It looks like I am not the only one stuck at 1.5 sparks after doing some weeklies. They ones I did are outside Undermine because going there makes me want to log off. I’ve never hated a wow zone this much. Even Orgrimmar, which I can barely stand long enough for a horde toon to pass through it, doesn’t revolt me to the same extent that Undemine does. Undermine nails the goblin theme. I find the goblin theme revolting. I don’t play horde because I can’t stand a lot of the aesthetics (esp goblin, orc, and troll, with goblins being the worst by a significant margin) to the point where it leaves me wanting to log off. Please make sure that all weeklies outside Undermine can drop spark fragments.

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All of my characters got theirs from the archive for 100 pieces did you have that one?

I will give it a try. It looks like I didn’t pick the azerothian archive quest this week.

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I got 2 full sparks on 4-5 characters. I did notice on one I don’t pay as much attention to that it had 2 spark fragments so I used them and then went to the quest giver. Apparently that was a mistake because I hadn’t even done the first quest on that character and it requires a fragment to turn in.

I guess maybe it’ll solve itself next time I get one. Thankfully I don’t really care about that characters gear anyway.

So for me on my alt, I had to do the initial quest. I got nothing after that. But when I logged out and logged back in later, I was able to get the other half from the new quest.

I just completed the archives quest. I got a restored coffer key, but no spark. That was my 3rd or 4th weekly since there was no veteran gear reward.

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Ouch yeah it may be a bug because I thought it was guaranteed from your first weekly quest. Not necessarily events like assignments or the lighting the flame but definitely the quest.

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That’s definitely possible.

I do find it odd that the worldsoul weekly has sometimes not even showed up on some toons, having me wonder if it was supposed to be every other week. I’d check my quest logs on toons that didn’t have it show up and there’s no world soul quest in their quest log. I’m typically doing the world soul weekly on 2-4 toons depending how much time I have.

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Yeah I still don’t understand the rhyme or reason of why and when certain quests get offered

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I don’t get it either. I don’t remember it being quite like this in DF. I’d do the weekly on each of my crafting alts for sparks every week.

They did not say “Hey, were working on a fix that gives you another spark due to an issue we found. If you want a 2h you may want to wait”

They knew about the issue because its flooding all the usual wow places.

The half spark did show up in my inventory after going around and doing some other things around Dornogal (like crafting orders and buying and selling some stuff on the AH). It wasn’t there when I turned in the archives quest. So weird. Maybe there was a delay? Regardless, that did give me the second spark I needed to recraft my weapon to 658.

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Add me to the list of people with only 3 fragments. I crafted a 1H and then the quest guy gave me one additional fragment. So right now I just have a single Fractured Spark of Fortunes in my bags.

I have done all of the Pinnacle Caches, Bountiful T8-11, LFR, Undermine Normal, and 2 bosses on heroic. Not sure what else to do to get the final fragment.

I got my Spark from the Cache you get after doing the Titan Disc fragments Weekly quest.