Get your snowstorm mount

Soon as I saw it today I was like “yeeeeeeee!” It kind of reminds me of “Kvitebjørn kong Valemon” (“ White-Bear-King-Valemon”) a folktale I loved growing up, had mom read it to me over and over :joy:

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Ha ha, I’m not dumb enough to waste my money on something that will end up being nothing for me and free cash for an already huge corporation while thinking I’m somehow gonna come out ahead. Ha ha ha.

Unrelated: BRB, going to buy some $GME.

Another good question is i wonder if they will add just the bear to mount store for cheaper.

I’d rather keep saving for a new graphics card…hic!

they wont, its like any other blizzcon virtual items. limited time to get, and then once its ended you can get it on TCG for a few hundred

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Just saw Snowstorm in Darkmoon. I was pleasantly surprised, it looks really cool. The pet, however, looks really ugly. Maybe I’m wrong, need more screenies to look at.

it looks great on my 3080

ask them if it flys

it doesnt fly but it makes up for that with snowballs it drops you can pick up and throw to other players

The Blizzcon virtual-goodies tend to priced with the assumption that you play more than one Blizzard game.

Like, if you only play WoW, the final tier is adding $20 for a month of game time, but if you play Overwatch and Hearthstone as well, you’re basically getting 3x golden loot crates and 5x golden card packs for $5.

Yes, you can unlock with by with about 3 tokens worth of gold or 360k worth of gold.

Do you think if you buy a stock that Gamestop is getting your money? Because I have no idea what point you’re trying to make otherwise.

Already got mine with my tokens lol. Definitely worth it.

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Well glad we have until September to get it so we can save lol

LOL the bear has a Led Zeppelin reference:

He comes from the ice and snow, under the Azeroth sun where the adventurers go.

10/10 Blizz :slight_smile:


Haha, you wish.

Though, I’m not sure about this one. Polar bear with ugly pet or saving money for the ox mount later? I’m curious to see the Ox mount.

To me, no it does not. I want flying bear that trails snowflakes. That thing is going to be useless in a few months.

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and then next xpac comes . rinse and repeat

what ox mount?

its the year of the ox, and blizz always releases a mount celebrating chinese year animals