Get your snowstorm mount

… I don’t think the same people that design mounts fixes bugs. isn’t there like several different departments in their development team or do you really think it’s all the same guy?

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Too bad you can’t summon both, they could fight for supremacy.

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Hard pass. I pay a 6 month, about as far as I go

Don’t care. The game is broken right now. Blizzard should be fixing that before selling us more :poop:


i dont really see where its broken aside from not being able to solo legion raids and some covenant quirks

Yeah I used to not like them but they’ve grown on me quite a bit–especially when people say “Land shark” and that’s all I can see, changing the design for me to be really cool.

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But I really like my land sharks / air sharks… except the green one. For some reason, I just think it looks bleh. Cobalt and Onyx FTW.

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Oh yeah exactly, that’s what made me like netherdrakes so much more, I love the land shark concept. Also yeah–imo those are the best colors!

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That’s weird, the game seems to be working fine for me, my friends, and my guildies.


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These idiots can’t even make a good bundle anymore hahahahahaha.

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So like murky has done since the first blizzcon?

Nice I think I may have found my new mount :cold_face:

I’m still upset about that. I wish they’d allow us to reforge the toothpicks of Frostmourne into the 2h it should’ve always been. Either that or allow us to delete that abomination of an artifact weapon. The frost artifact is rotting in my bank ready to make me mad every time I see it.

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ITS SOOOOO FLUFFFYYYY!!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Nope , hes supper kool has a frost animation thats really special like a snow flake LOL

Heads up you can buy this with your battlenet balance…I got it 30 mins ago.

What does… what??

Is it a good thing or a bad thing that this is a legitimate question?

Is it a flying bear?

The $10,000 question I really would like an answer to. Because flying bear with snowflakes trailing from it… that I will buy.


good question does the bear fly?

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