Get your snowstorm mount

I kind of see Rhielle’s point. It’s a lot of money (comparatively) for a mount that people aren’t going to use in most settings but on the other hand, it is part of a package so it’s not just 40 or 60 bucks for the mount but a bundle of things.


so true i bought it for the flavor and ill use it if they revert their decision of making 9.1 the flight patch. and instead do 9.2.5 like they do for legion and bfa

Hopefully that mount is foreshadowing the next zone. I’m been predicting all along that we’ll get a snow themed zone eventually.

Sure as hell not paying the price of a game for a mount tho. Would be embarrassed to ride it.


They always make chinese new year animal mounts, such as flying rat, the light infused dog, and stone pig with yellow wings. This year, it’s the Ox.

I’m curious to see what they made.

Are you saying we finally got mounted combat? :wink:

Annual lunar new year mount.

Actually the very first mount from Blizzcon was a bear and this looks and is just as nice but does not have a murloc or flag or goggles on him but that’s ok :slight_smile:

plus, The original Blizzcon was October 2005 and that would be the year of the Rooster that year according to the chart above.

I am so looking forward to year of the Rabbit and snake. Though year of the horse will be disappointing to get an Alliance only mount.

Next year will be a tiger. How many of those do we have?

(I mean cat mounts.)

I only like cat battle pets. Now a flying firebreathing (I assume) rabbit mount will be where it is at!

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I’m both hoping for and dreading a Monty Python rabbit mount.

hopping for?


Ohhhh… thanks for this, Jiminy Cricket!!! :angry:

well i want 2028 MONKEY!!

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Man, that’s a beautiful mount. Cries I am poor…

People rag on an entire expansion if it costs $40.00 if it does not have enough content, and yall are saying this silly mount is worth it because it has snowballs?

Frig give us a mount creator Blizzard and I will sell some of these suckers some “totally worth it” mounts. Hell I will only charge $30!


there are 3 different versions of the Collection.

The one with the mount is the $40.00 one ((Heroic Pack)). There isn’t one with just the mount, but you get the Heroic one, you get the previous Tier as well.

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It’ll be removed most likely, like all other Blizzcon mounts. $40 is the cheapest you’re getting it.

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Just got mine. :slight_smile: Didn’t need/want bunch of the stuff, but 40 for a pet and mount is a good price.

Is it a battle pet? Is it similar to the older version in TBC?