Get your snowstorm mount

I am willing to bet the dev team is a lot smaller than the promotions team.


Your Corridor Creeper is gonna be jealous.

On the note of the bear, I don’t get the snow theme other than “Blizzard.” But if that’s it, seems a bit out of place as there are no snowy zones in this expansion. If the Netherwhelp is a throwback to TBC and hint of TBC Classic, what would the bear be a hint of – sending us back to Icecrown in 9.1?

Gods, that would be disappointing.

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its a revamp of the big blizzard bear i think

it also released while im in a snowstorm so its fitting

I just don’t get it’s timing, I guess? Remaking the big Blizzard bear sounds like something they’d do for a significant event, like an anniversary. This is a postponed, virtual version due to the pandemic; its no doubt going to be a pale version of their previous events. Dunno, just feel the timing is off.

its also 30 years of blizzard. the satchel has 30 marked on it


That could be it, didn’t think about that.

yea, cause adding a store mount is more important than fixing this game. good ol’ blizzard


Sweet!! Thank you, I just bought mine! :slight_smile:

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That’s correct, yes. They are Blizzard. So it is a “snowstorm” bear, because a snowstorm is like a Blizzard, and their name is Blizzard.

They literally already did this naming gimmick with Heroes of the Storm, which was originally Blizzard All-Stars. Blizzard → Storm.

What do you mean?! A few underperforming specs are getting 3% - 5% dmg upgrades on Tuesday. I mean, that’ll surely fix the game, right?!



It seems like a call back to me, given that the BlizzCon between Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich King was when players got the Big Blizzard Bear. And couple that with the Netherwhelp, it kind of feels like a double call back to Burning Crusade. Possibly a lead up to classic BC servers? Who knows.

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Well at any rate, enjoy your bears and your whelps.
I have the TBC CE whelp already.

Netherdrakes getting a model up would be amazing. They’ve aged so well…but an updated one would be swell.

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And now I have both! Rawr!

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Why isn’t that bike
A wow mount as well?


that’d be an extra 30 bucks if it were included for wow !

Game: “I’m broken. Fix me please.”
Blizzard: “Not right now, we are making more junk to sell to people.”


Props to those that pay it. For me to give 40 for a digital product the mount at least needs to have an inn for rested XP, transmog guys and all the profession required objets like an anvil. :rofl:

it fits well if you also have wendingo woolies from 2019 blizzcon

I don’t see an issue with it, if I saw a huge issue then I’d stop supporting the business in question.