Get your 8?

It is a push week. Haven’t had much time for keys this week but did get a 21 uldaman for an io boost.

Will be gone for a couple of weeks so won’t be running keys for those weeks. Easy affixes this week, how about you guys doing 8 keys still?


Slowed down significantly, we’ll see how bored I get this week. Been trying to play other games because it feels like a ghost town.

I’ve done 2 so far!


No rewards between 20s and r1 so no. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:


Na I’ve been working on costume stuff I didn’t get my 8 done this time.


No. :dracthyr_no1: :dracthyr_no2:

@ me when they finally remove the FOMO component that penalizes you for missing a week and being unable to grind out an extra 8 to compensate.

Got moved off from caring about ilvl because of things like this.


Been playing a lot of mk1 this week. Maybe next week. Maybe.

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i ran like a 7 or 8 halls of infusion on my disc priest. that’s it. im too scared to run this 15 neltharion lair on this toon. i DO need to do it though. maybe this weekend. can anyone help me without getting mad?

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:8ball: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :8ball:

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Wanna Buy An Eight, Ernie?

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Yeah I really hated it when they added in a FOMO component to punish players for missing raid lockouts back in checks notes Vanilla.


Just because it was a thing then doesn’t mean it was good.

It was the social aspect and sunk cost fallacy covering up devaluations from such most likely.

As a result there’s now a question people have to ask:
Pick one - Time Gate or Hard Content


I’d do it w .you, idm.

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Okay thank you

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Or you just use buzzword terms like “time gate” and “FOMO” that have lost all meaning.

If you miss a week it’s not a big deal. If you miss a few weeks, it’s not really a big deal. Especially not in this juncture of the expac when it’s super easy to catch up and push keys. Either do it every week or don’t. It doesn’t matter.


They were used correctly.

Then Blizzard would have no problem adding makeups to vault, instead of the various things you’re implying.

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I go AoTC a bit ago, finished all the 20 teleports a few months ago so just straight chilling until season 3.

They add catchup mechanics by adding more world content. Vault isn’t about catching up, it’s about incentivizing playing consistently and during the span of a week so you come back and play more the following week. I understand your FOMO but it’s honestly about you and the group you run with about pressure to get ahead.

WoW has always been a time sink that rewards people who play more frequently. Sounds like you just don’t care for one aspect of the game anymore and thats okay, but it’s all on you if its FOMO.


In particular they’re to bring you to low but high enough ilvl to start you on the content that is timegated. Vault is primarily about giving people their weekly power up that is of a higher ilvl than what they get from their usual m+ runs or if they ran out of luck as per usual in raids. Raids themselves are timegate as power as they’re a once a week ordeal with looting due to raid lockouts.

ie, timegate as power loot. The catchup loot you speak of is to bait/grace people into the timegate as power systems.

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1 down so far this week. Idk why–the portals just don’t motivate me to keep pushing.

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Nope no need, did all that I wanted got mount and got 2500 not bad for this old man

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I didn’t say they were used incorrectly or correctly. I don’t care. By now terms like FOMO and time gate don’t mean anything. All of life is timegated owing to the fact that you can’t play a month’s worth of video games in a single day. You’re telling me there’s 24 hours in a day? That’s timegating days. I shouldn’t have to wait 24 hours to get another 24 hours. Unacceptable. If I miss Christmas Day that’s it, I don’t get another one? Slap in the face.

This is how ridiculous the discourse as become.

Yes, because people wouldn’t complain about being timegated for having do to 32 dungeons to fill out their vault for having missed a month.