Get Well Soon is a 20 man Mythic Raiding guild on Sargeras-US. Our raid days are Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday from 8pm-12am CST (Sargeras Server Time).
We use an officer based Loot Council and we expect players to understand the process of gearing a raid for success. We like to progress but at the same time have fun doing so. We don’t do split runs or require alts.
Weekday Raid Info
Sanctum of Domination - 7/10M
Castle Nathria - 10/10M
Past Tier Rankings:
Archimonde: US 129
Xavius: US 210
Helya: US 466
Gul’dan: US 239
Kil’jaeden: US 147
Argus: US 188
G’huun: US 142
Jaina: US 149
Azshara: US 65
N’zoth: US 107
Denathrius: US 154
Raid Times:
3-Days: Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday from 8pm - 12am CST
Recruitment Needs:
Arms Warrior, Balance Druid, Ranged DPS with mythic raiding experience.
Even if you don’t see your class/spec listed, we still encourage any player of exceptional skill to apply. If you think this is the guild for you please fill out an application using the link below.
Application Link:
Feel free to contact an officer in-game if you have any questions:
Paarthurnax (GM/Raid Leader) - ID: rathgar#1734 / Discord: Paarthurnax#5785
Terra (Officer) - ID: terra#1490