Get the Wrath Classic WoW Token

The idea of suspension or bans.

Plenty of players have got a week or two ban from buying. Typically they didn’t repeat.

Now they get patted on the back for spending more.


we do enjoy some light reading material

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Most absolutely did not. It was so hilariously easy to dodge bans… especially with guild banks.

Impossible to track anything once those came on.

I wasn’t fond of grinding ancient dailies or profs for gold. I just want to hop in the game and do what I want. Welcome, thee token overlords.


not impossible at all. They just didn’t want to.

because blizzard bans rmt peoples. they just got done with huge banwave about it.

Good luck finding one where the GM doesn’t sell gold by themselves.

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Why are you making up numbers?’

There was at least 3 people during Naxx in my group that caught 1st time suspensions.

They weren’t alone, the forums support this.

Tell me how you go about removing the idk… 500 million gold stashed on accounts on Benediction? Just gonna wipe out peoples entire stash overnight for no reason lol?

Yeah because youre a bad player who plays with bad players who dont understand how to game the system.

Again, since Naxx 2019 weve bought millions of gold. Have had 2 mules banned, and never any mains.

“Come on mannnnnnn … Thats too easy” - LeBron James

Yeah. Track bots. follow the gold through the bank accounts they clearly interact with. ban the people buying the gold and remove it from their accounts. Remove gold they have traded / put into banks.


Whelp, I’m throwing in the towel. Think this was the last straw the broke the camels back for me.


LOL Bro, you seriously think they are going to start tracking peoples bank accounts??? WHAT lol…

You just said your mules weren’t banned

right here is the problem. this is why classic turned into the retail lite garbagefest it became. people who want easy answers playing a game that was never meant for them.


First you admit to breaking ToS, then you call me out of name. Why?

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I don’t. Clearly. I said they could. If they actually cared, they could. If they actually cared, bots wouldn’t be an issue and this conversation wouldn’t be happening.

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Mules dont count. They are $15 level 1 subs that (back in classic) were funded via venezuelan $$… so it was like $3.50. Unfort they ended that back in TBC so we had to pay the full $15

And not bank accounts. Guild banks.

Time to go back to pservers boys!!