I’m not certainly defending blizzard with this decision, but maybe you people who are discussing this buying a token to get 11,5k gold and then getting 7,5k don’t have much experience with how it worked in retail: the token fluctuates based on supply and demand, it’s not unreasonable it’s going down atm because I don’t think gold generation is only 30x higher in retail, I think it’s more than that, and it keeps cycling: once it bottoms out, which it already did for the us, it goes up until more people start buying it with money than gold, then it goes down and so on, and one thing blizzard made clear is that if you buy a token for money and put it in AH when it was worth 11,5k you will still get 11,5k even if it only ends up selling when its worth went down to, for example, 7,5k.
This happens in retail and now in classic too, just with lower amounts because there’s less gold.
I haven’t been buying new Blizzard games because there is always a catch and they always find a way to screw something up. I only play Classic WoW and their other classic games because it’s the original Blizzard’s last created games that were worth the buy. All of their new stuff is always a disappointment like Diablo Immortal and Overwatch. Maybe I am just too old fashioned, but to me it feels like anything they make is not fulfilling anymore. This is what happens when their products are controlled by businessmen instead of it being in the hands of the developers who were the gamers. Only gamers know what gamers want. I am also not going to buy D4 and never planned to.
I know I am saying, any virtual item sold for real money should be regulated. Not just with the WoW Token any virtual item that is purchased for Real money. It is the wild wild west with all the micro transactions in the gaming world.
I’ve always been confused as to why Blizzard has never reset an ingame currency to be a blockchain and setup WoW as a virtual environment.
The stinking architecture is already in place for lights sake, we’re talking a pretty small jump in reality. And ActiBlizz banks enough cash annually to easily pull it off in 2-5 years.
go ahead and point me to the mmo where they’ve successfully cracked down on botting/gold buying champ. All this does is let players who followed TOS save a few hours a week farming, and lets wealthy players pay for their sub entirely with in game gold. Only someone upset at the price of gold going higher, or someone botting/gold selling themselves should be upset at this.
Ok gdks = pay to win and And they’ve been happening since AQ40 When we decided it was ok To let a fresh 60/70 raid And there are throwing down 2k-5k And didn’t bat an eye.
Blizzard didn’t do that that was us We also Made gdkps The most Is popular way too raid No don’t get me wrong Wizard could have done more about bots and gold sellers.
But The reality is if the market didn’t exist Bothers would not be as big of a problem now. Yeah we could have another long discussion about The lute system in wow Classic - wrath but.
The reality is when you do a gdkp And the payout to each person is 5-20k And no one bats and I the reality is. There’s a very good chance that at least some if not all that gold was bought.
And let’s say you don’t buy gold Well guess what you’re still gonna get But gold in one way or another because. There’s so much of it In circulation.
Why does somebody need 100k For any other reason then 4 other gdkps ? The answer is nothing People have been buying gold .For such a long time the way I see it if you’re gonna let some people cheat let everybody cheat.
The game has been paid to win Long before blizzard put in The tokin On top of the fact People like to compare private servers well ok It means servers with the population of maybe 10k And that’s one server vs over 100+ Players over multiple servers on top of the fact.
Save a band gdkps in game .Well guess what that doesn’t stop? People from rewording them differently and most of that stuff does happen on discord.
So what Is blizzard going after higher people to go through every single discord So the way I see it If you’re going to get angry about The token But still be ok with.
Gdkps That’s just hypocritical So the way I see it the token is fine It’s not going to change much.
Sort of, they have a black box algorithm that determines the current AH list price. And since they aren’t listed like traditional auctions it’s impossible to see how many are being listed or at what price they were actually listed for.
True, but it is supply/demand based, hence my loosely used word of “market”.
I think the auction list blackout is to prevent people from playing the token market like they do other items on the AH. THAT might catch the eye of a regulator.