Get the Nether-Gorged Greatwyrm with a 6-Month Subscription

I absolutely don’t like the trend. They release heritage mounts as store mounts.
Should have been made available as questline for the Blood Elves.

Thankfully, you guys used the horrendous worm mount animations that give me massive motion sickness, so this is an easy pass lol.


Just had the mount and tabard applied to my account just now from my recurring 6 month sub, so it should be coming in waves if anyone hasn’t gotten theirs yet.


A giant mana worm screams Blood elf to me.

Hard pass.

I am pretty sure I have a recurring 6-month but did not get the mount.

Am I being dull and get the mount once the renew in November?

No, you should get it soon. They’re saying by the 22nd but its usually not more than a day or two.

The tabard is only for classic.

“But now we will surely both drown,” said the Nether-Gorged Greatwyrm. “lol” said the Former Activision-Blizzard Shareholders, “lmao.”

I have a 6 month sub. Have had a recurring 6 month sub for a couple of years now. I got the sapphire bird, and the veilwing, and the ghost cat… couple others I think. Can’t remember now.

What I DON’T have? Is this mount. It’s not in my notifications in battle net, it’s not in my mount book. it’s not in my mail box.

How about y’all fix that, huh?

claim the gift on your launcher before you log in.

I literally bought the 6 month subscription yesterday before they announced this, do I still get the rewards or not? I still haven’t received anything yet.


Yes. Their official date is no later than the 22nd but it doesn’t usually take more than a few days for existing subs.


To people who make this argument… you’re wrong. I sub 6 months at a time anyhow and have since WoW began. When I log in, I will have a shiny mount without paying anything at all more than my usual already-in-progress subscription. That makes it free.

If you’re only buying the subscription to have the mount, you’re amazingly confused since the mount works in game. Which needs you to have a subscription. If you want no subscription, you need no mount.

You need game time to play but subs aren’t the only way to get that. You can buy time cards or tokens. Plus, even if you do have a subscription there are also 1-month and 3-month options, which do not give you the mount.

OMG. I very affectionately call this Puffyowl. I completely adore Puffyowl. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: If more of my characters could be Puffyowls, I would almost need no other mount.

Now that is finally a fair argument. Though honestly if you’re staying subbed, the 6 month option is cheapest. In this case, it becomes a reward for bulk purchases. Something lots of businesses offer for various things.

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OK, heads over to use some of her hard earned bnet balance to get that pretty thing.

I foresee even more gold making in my near future…

My account is already active till March of 2023. Why should I have to buy MORE game time? lol Y’all getting greedy.

Swimming? It feels like I’m offroading

Its nice that they include you on this even if you were already on a 6 month term. I 'm a couple months into a 6 month sub and I logged in and in my mount tab found it sitting there to claim.

It looks cool IMO.

That’s weird if you are paid up until then and didn’t see this appear. I got it added to mine and I bought a 6 month sub I think it was early last month or end of may.

Unless they are picky about “it has to be a 6 month recurring sub for you to qualify”.