Get the Burden of Unrelenting Justice Transmog Set

Probably. Scaling (hehe dracthyr joke) armor for various races probably takes a lot of time considering how many there are.

Remember the Greatsword of the Sindorei? I loved that sword for my belf pally. They changed the weapon scaling a long time ago and now it looks kind of ridiculous on my blood elf. The sword is as big as she is.

Oh look they told us months ago this was going to be available after 12 months. It’s one of the reasons I made sure not to miss a month

Legion… Used to main female belves until that change.

Quite liked the OG size of the weapons. Daggers were daggers, swords swords and GS GS… Enter legion and now daggers are swords, swords greatswords and greatswords… something.

Probably a petty reason to abandon a race.


Just more disappointment. Time gated as well just to keep people subbed. This is just sad and pathetic.


So I get a transmog set I’ll never use. Ok thanks. ?


Well never say never. We finally did get “High Elves”…sorta…

I mean that was after they made void elves with the flimsiest lore reasons, and then they finally gave us different eye colors and skin color options. So we can make “High Elves” but they are more like high elves that became void elves that are masquerading as high elves.

They listen…it just takes a while (And a healthy dose of begging and pleading coupled with drop in subscriber numbers). The reason they finally pulled the ripcord on high elves I feel is because Shadowlands was so abysmal.

Might need to break out the crayons.


Oh… can we get versions that don’t change colors? Mixing and matching is hard enough when things stay the same color.

Kind of been looking forward to this set all year, don’t think i’ll want to use it like this though.


I get you want to match the Day/Night theme of the mount, but please make it 2 separate sets to transmog. But If you’re combining the Moon Color with other aesthetically colorized Light Blue/White pieces, only for the Warden Set to turn a bright Green/Yellow when daytime hits?


Blizzard: Makes cool set.

Also Blizzard: Timegates it to hell and ruins it anyway by forcing some malformed day/night cycle fetish into it.


If you have nothing constructive to add, then I suggest moving on.

People are allowed to have valid feedback, regardless of your trolling.


I personally dig the idea that it changes colors, but it clearly bothers enough folks that it should be an option. When you have millions of players, player choice is always a win


I think I speak for the creeps and weirdos (mostly in my guild) who want to know what happened to the Chainmail bikini?

still waiting for the fix or explaination as to why i have a negative Tender balance after claiming Decembers rewards.

It was datamined, never announced, and it’s a reward for a year of (minimal) effort, not timegated. My God, hyperbole much?


FWIW, I actually like the color change from day to night. But I gotta say, it’s just an opinion. I collect and mog a little, but I don’t really care for slick, easy, simple sets to wear and am fine with a day and evening version that change that may even clash. Nor did I want to reissue two forms of my mount even though one is much nicer to look at.

But clearly others do. I can live with two sets.


It’s no different than the achievement “What a Long, Strange Trip it’s Been.”

I don’t remember people being outraged over “timegating” with that.

This is just a simpler achievement.

I don’t mind the color shifting but also wouldn’t mind having it be separate mogs. Mostly I want Dracthyr to be other classes PLEASE!

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Lord Jesus Christ! This is very disappointing as we have waited a year to be able to mog them, and we’ve been asking y’all to separate them. You have no respect for longtime fans that have been waiting for this Just like other companies who are flipping scripts and finding out that their inserts don’t work for them because you’re only writing it for you and not for the fans and it is very obvious. This amazing mog could be separated and enjoyed by many. What is going on that makes y’all think that we want to wait till time change to be able to enjoy it? If you can say trolling your player base, this is a perfect example because it’s real poopy. Our hard-earned money even our time wasted just so we have to wait till time change to enjoy it. :rage::-1::-1::-1::-1::-1::-1::-1::-1::-1::-1::-1::-1::-1::-1::-1::-1:


It is weird how people are just getting mad about it now, despite the fact that we’ve known about it for a year, and the in-game achievement you could have looked up at any time (Trading Post Enthusiast) has been telling you what you have to do to get it all year.

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